Short Stories from Graduates in 2030

The following was presented at the Talk About Teaching conference at York St John, June 2024.

  1. Read through The Context,
  2. Watch the video of the three students stories from 2030,
  3. Use the interactive poster (below) to learn more about the research behind the stories,
  4. Then share your responses in the Padlet

Short Stories from Graduates in 2030 (video)

The Interactive Poster of the Short Stories

Share your responses on our Padlet site

Conference Poster Bibliography

Chui, M., Hazan, E., Roberts, R., Singla, A., Smaje, K., Sukharevsky, A., Yee, L. and Zemmel, R. (2023) The Economic Potential of Generative AI. The next productivity frontier. San Francisco, McKinsey and Company.

Fathi, E. and MacKinnon, P. (2024) Is Society Ready for the Impact of AI on the Workforce? Available from

Iacopino, Pablo and Popov, Andrey (2022) eSIM: market progress, consumer behaviour and adoption to 2030 [Internet]. London, GSMA Intellience. Available from

Kreacic, Ana, Uribe, Lucia, Romeo, John, Lasater-Wille, Amy, Jesuthasan, Ravin and Luong, Simon (2024) How Generative AI is Transforming Business and Society: The good, the bad and everything in between. [Internet]. New York, NY, Oliver Wyman. Available from

Lv, Z. (2023) Generative artificial intelligence in the metaverse era. Cognitive Robotics [Post-print], 3, pp. 208–217. Available from

Oxford Economics (2019) How Robots Change the World: What automation really means for jobs and productivity. London, Oxford Economics.

Sopra, S. (n.d.) Generative AI – A $100bn market by 2028 according to Sopra Steria Next. Available from

Vujović, D. (2024) Generative AI: Riding the new general purpose technology storm. Ekonomika preduzeca [Post-print], 72 (1–2), pp. 125–136. Available from [Accessed 16th May 2024].