
The graduate job market is very competitive, and students need to stand out from the crowd if they are to gain a good job when they graduate. As a tutor, you will need to support your tutees in planning ahead and be strategic in gaining work experience and searching for jobs.

Regularly encouraging your tutees to consider their future employment and study options will help them to focus on gaining work experience and building the skills required to improve their employment and post graduate study prospects. By encouraging your tutees to engage in reflective learning and action planning from the very start of their course, you are equipping them with skills that will make it easier for them to articulate their graduate attributes and what it is that makes them employable.

It is important to encourage your tutees to think about their career at the beginning and transitional stages of their university journey. For new students entering university, the three years of an undergraduate course can seem like a long time, but it passes very quickly. Tutors should encourage their tutees to start thinking about their future employability from the outset of their degree programme. Preparing students to transition out of the university into work or further study is something that should be happening all the way through their studies.

You should encourage your tutees to engage in the Careers Award and Manage Your Future programmes offered through the Careers and Placements team. These give students access to help with writing a CV, covering letter, applications and interview tips, and a range of information, tips from employer and videos.

For best effect, tutors should:

  • introduce the Careers and Placements team at the University as early as possible. This may be through induction, presentations and careers development events.
  • introduce the designated Career Adviser who supports your subject area and encourage tutees to consult with them.
  • encourage tutees to work towards the Careers Award and engage in the Manage Your Future

You may find the Supporting Student Employability section useful in helping you deal with common employability questions that your tutees may raise.