Although the focus of Academic Tuition should be academic support, it is worth remembering that academic and pastoral issues often overlap. Personal issues can negatively affect a tutee’s academic performance and academic issues can impact on their wellbeing and personal life. Students are likely to approach you with personal, pastoral or wellbeing issues. When they do, you need to recognise when it is appropriate to help your tutee and when you should signpost them to the University’s student support services for pastoral and personal support.
An important skill for an Academic Tutor is being able to explain the types of services available to students and knowing enough about these to assist the tutee in making an informed decision as to which services to consult for advice and support. Experienced tutors will have built up this knowledge over time. New tutors can prepare themselves for this role by familiarising themselves with the types of student support service offered by the University and talking with more experienced colleagues. You may find it helpful to keep a stock of information leaflets on Student Services close to hand to remind you of available services.