william.hill's blog

Just another York St John Blogs site



For this artefact, I took a lot of time working out what I would create. I was unsure at the start, but then decided to create something based around mental health issues, as this is a topic that is close to my own heart and influenced me a lot. I felt it would be the best way I could truly capture something worth watching. A lot of the inspiration for this came from my own experiences, along with a lot of extensive research into mental health over the past ten years.
The production of the project went well when taking the photos and capturing audio, there were only a few small problems which were easily dealt with. For example the kitchen used in one of the scenes was a mess and unusable and therefore more time was spent tidying than initially expected. If I was to do it again I would make sure all the locations were ready before getting out the equipment.
Another issue was the setting in one scene, I had initially planned on using a counselling office and had planned my scene around a specific room, without planning a backup. This was a bad idea as in the end I was unable to use the room I had planned for and did not have a backup, this is why we ended up using the kitchen. Although I knew this the day before filming I still didn’t check the tidiness of the set, linking to the problem mentioned above.
Within my Cineroman I tried to show skill with the production of audio and how to manipulate an audience’s impression of a situation through what they hear. It is easy to tell a story through words. It is easy to tell a story through visuals. But by adding the audio tracks I recorded to my visual story I was able to help an audience truly understand what the character was experiencing and added an extra layer of intrigue, and hopefully interest to the audience.
I also took into account the framing of each photo making sure that I wasn’t wasting a single shot, I wanted the framing to explain the situation and help express the story, a meaning of sorts behind each shot, not just simply showing what is going on, but telling us what is going on.
With regards to health and safety, we took the necessary precautions for booking out equipment and filling out Risk Assessments as will be attached at the bottom of this document. We made sure that each location was suitable for filming in and was a safe working environment. Whilst on set we made sure to keep all the cables organised, to allow anyone passing by to not have to step over anything or move out the way.

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