Student LifeStudy

10 top tips for preparing for university

As you prepare for your first year at university you might have a list of a few things that you need to do before you start, whether that is buying some room décor or kitting out your kitchen with some new pots and pans. Here are some top tips that I thought would be great to add to your checklist to help ease your transition into university life. 

  1. Set up a student bank account

One thing which is important is finding the right account for you. Many banks offer a range of different benefits for joining with them which can be useful, from a free railcard to vouchers, but most of the accounts come with an assigned overdraft. These often range from £1,000 to £3,000. A student account might not be right for you but having a separate account which your loan comes into will be handy, so you can put money away for your rent and shopping. Overdrafts can also be deactivated but might come in use if an unexpected spend arises.

2. Sort your accommodation

Most first-year students opt to live in halls of residence, which is accommodation provided by your chosen university, or you can look into private accommodation. It is always great to investigate your accommodation options whether that’s location preference or budgeting what you can afford. Booking a tour of your favoured accommodation gives you a great impression of what you can expect. At York St John this can be done through our Open Days and Decision Days.

3. Buy a railcard

If your bank account does not come with a bonus of a railcard, then getting one should be one of the things on your list, that’s if you plan on travelling lots by train. This would also be useful for a commuting student as the train station is only a mile away from York St John. The 16-25 railcard offers discounted 2nd class travel on all rail journeys, so whether you’re headed home for the weekend or popping out for a fun day out it is beneficial for all. The card costs £30 a year or £70 for three but it saves you 1/3 on your travel each time.

4. Decide what to bring

No matter which university you go to there will be a few things you will need to bring that are not provided by your accommodation, so be sure to check out your chosen accommodations pages to see what they include. If you can find your future housemates, then this will be good to see who is bringing what, as you do not want to end up with five toasters. At York St John we have some details on our website which give details on what is included in your accommodation.

5. Follow university pages

Usually, all universities have designated media pages to help get in contact with your fellow new classmates or housemates, and when important events are being held. At York St John we have dedicated Facebook pages which are set up after accommodation offers are sent where you can find your course and housemates. These pages are usually on Facebook and are called ‘York St John University Freshers’ and then what year you are attending.

6. Get a clean bill of health

Before coming to any university, it is important to make sure you have all the important vaccinations to make sure you are fully protected and to stop you from getting ill. As well as this transferring your doctors just in case you get ill whilst at university should be one of the things at the top of your list. At York St John we have a health centre on campus where you can register online.

7. Spend some quality time with your friends and family

You’re most likely moving away from home which will mean you will be spending time away from home soil. So, spending some time with your loved ones will boost your morale as it might be a little while till you see them next. Moving to university can be exciting but it also can be lonely so having contact with home either with calls or texts will help.

8. Set a budget

Whether that’s weekly shops, bills or how much you are going to spend on a night out. It is beneficial to set weekly or monthly budgets to make sure you do not overspend or overindulge. An overdraft may seem tempting but, in most cases, it is only to be used in emergencies. This will prevent you from landing in financial trouble later down the road, or when you need to use the overdraft in an emergency you won’t be able to. At York St John we have our designated finance team you can chat to if you are ever struggling.

9. Learn some basic cooking skills

In the first couple of weeks getting takeaways every night might be tempting however, your bank balance will thank you if you know how to make quick, simple meals on a budget. So, before you head to university draft up some simple meal plans which you can make and store in the fridge which can be easily microwaved when convenient. This could range from stir fry to pasta, so research into easy quick recipes before you move.

10. Get to know your area

When heading to university you are most likely going to be heading to somewhere new. If you can, visit the local area before you start to ensure you know where the local amenities are such as; food shops, campus, hospital, GP practice and libraries. At York St John we have a  handy guide available, as well as Open Days and Decision Days in which you can see the campus in real life, or if you’re coming from further afield you can view our campus virtually.


Hi, my name is Megan, and I am a recent graduate from York St John University. During my time at university, I learned a trick or two about life as a student, so I thought I’d share my experiences to help you get the most of yours.