
5 reasons why I chose YSJ

As a postgraduate student, I chose to attend York St John not once but twice! These are my top five reasons why!

1. City of York

I grew up only an hour away from York, so I had visited the city many times before moving here. I knew York to be a small, walkable city that I could easily navigate, though I knew it would still be novel enough that I could grow here. It was important to me that I could explore my independence in a new environment. As a photography undergrad, a scenic location was important. I knew York’s historic architecture would make a fantastic setting for my future portfolio.

2. Course Interview & Decisions Day

After applying for York St John on UCAS, I was invited to attend a course interview on campus. During the interview, I met one of my future tutors, who grew to be a member of staff I appreciated greatly during my undergraduate degree. We talked 1 on 1, and I got to ask any questions I had about the course. After receiving my placement offer, I attended a decisions day on campus. The day included a course presentation and workshop with my course leader and, of course, a campus and accommodation tour. This experience gave me great insight into the facilities YSJ had to offer, both for my education and lifestyle.

3. LGBTQIA+ Presence on Campus

I vividly remember walking onto campus for my decision day in 2019. The first sight I had of the YSJ campus was a pride flag flying high over the quad west entrance. Seeing that small symbol of inclusivity made my baby, closeted, queer self so happy. Right off the bat, it felt like YSJ was a university that would be accepting and safe for me to attend. This was quickly proven to me by my time in the LGBTQ+ Society, the university’s Trans and Gender-diverse Inclusive Framework, and LGBT Staff Network. 4 years on, now as an openly queer individual, I returned to YSJ with the same degree of trust.

4. Student Support

The excellent quality of student support was a big contender when deciding to return to YSJ. I have taken advantage of many student support outlets during my time at YSJ, and I’ve had nothing but fantastic experiences. The guidance I have received from the wellbeing and welfare team during my time as an undergraduate carried me to my graduation day. I highly recommend seeking their support if you are struggling with a wellbeing or welfare issue. I have also received amazing support from graduate opportunities during my year as an alumnus and from the kickstarter programme with starting my own business.

5. Scholarships for Alumni

Returning to YSJ for my postgrad became an absolute no brainer when I discovered I was eligible for the progression scholarship. YSJ offers two types of scholarships to returning students, the progression scholarship and the alumni scholarship. Each has differing eligibility and rewards, but almost every returning student will be eligible for one of these scholarships. With the progression scholarship, I gained a 35% reduction on my tuition fees. Saving me a lot of financial anxiety and making my postgraduate degree more obtainable.


Hello, I'm Ellie, and I'm studying MA Media Production here at York St John University. I am a regular at the mindfulness sessions in the Chapel and I enjoy long hikes, home cooking and content creation!