Student LifeStudy

Five tips for students living at home 

If you are planning on commuting to York St John University rather than moving away there might be a few differences between what life as a university student may be. For example, your commute is likely going to be longer than students living nearby, so here are a few tips about how to make the most of your time at university. 

Travel light 

If you are commuting for a long time either by train, bus or car. Then it is a great idea to pack as lightly as possible, as this will mean you won’t have to carry unnecessary items around for a long period of time. Especially if you are planning on catching up with some friends after your university lectures.  

Join a society 

Even though you aren’t living at university this doesn’t mean you can’t join a society. There are many here at York St John that you can join, as well as if you can’t find one that takes your fancy then you can start your own with a small group of friends. 

Bring your lunch/snacks 

It can be tempting to spend your money on food if there are some treats that interest you from the university canteen. However, buying snacks and drinks here and there can definitely add up and end up costing a lot of money. It is okay to eat out from time to time, but it is important to keep track of your spending just in case.  

Don’t go straight home after lectures 

It is important that you don’t go straight home after every lecture as this is a great time to meet new friends and get to know people on your course outside of lectures. Arrange to go out for tea or an activity, there are plenty of free/ low-cost activities to get involved in if cost is a worry. 

Bring entertainment 

If you are commuting by bus or train it might be a good idea to bring either a book or podcast with you. Commuting can be long and tiring at some points so having something to keep you occupied will be important. Another tip would be to bring a charger just in case for your devices as you don’t want to be caught short if you rely on a digital ticket or maps.  


Hi, my name is Megan, and I am a recent graduate from York St John University. During my time at university, I learned a trick or two about life as a student, so I thought I’d share my experiences to help you get the most of yours.