City of YorkStudent Life

Why Celebrating Pride is still Important

As the LGBTQIA+ movement evolves, more and more people have begun asking “is Pride still necessary?” This agenda is only pushed by a new wave of ‘anti-woke’ culture. Continuing to celebrate Pride is important to many, not just the queer community. These are just a few reasons why –

Awareness surround equality

Did you know it’s still illegal to be queer in 64 countries? Even more countries still hold anti-LGBTQIA+ beliefs making it unsafe to be out there. Whenever people say “Pride isn’t needed anymore” it is usually followed by “Homophobia no longer exists.” This is simply not true. Just because queerphobia may seem less obvious to some, it doesn’t mean it no longer exists. It is very much alive and well here, but we are blessed with the ability to celebrate Pride and we can use the platform to advocate for those who cannot.

Advocacy for other causes

Pride month and Pride events are great opportunities to advocate for other causes. Whether it be ongoing causes or current events, many people use Pride’s platform to bring awareness to other social causes. For example, at York Pride 2024, many individuals and groups were proudly advocating for a ceasefire in Palestine. A lot of these issues are often overlooked or purposely censored in media. Using platforms created for Pride Month to advocate for these causes is very important.

Acknowledging hate & Remembering those we’ve lost

In 2023, police in England and Wales recorded over 24,000 hate crimes relating to sexual orientation. That same year recorded transgender hate crimes increased by 11%.  These statistics only reflect crimes reported to and recorded by police. These numbers are higher when considering the many crimes that go unreported. Hate and discrimination are still very much an ongoing issue, and many continue to lose their life to it. It is important that Pride continues so hate issues, and the repercussions of it, can be wider acknowledged.

Belonging within a community

The previous points can feel disheartening but they are important to acknowledge. An uplifting part about Pride, that we most acknowledge, is being part of a community! The feeling of belonging that comes from standing, marching, and rejoicing alongside fellow queer friends and allies is unmatched! This sense of community is not confined to a single month or day, it is for always. Continuing to celebrate this community is what continues to keep Pride alive.


Hello, I'm Ellie, and I'm studying MA Media Production here at York St John University. I am a regular at the mindfulness sessions in the Chapel and I enjoy long hikes, home cooking and content creation!