
Shining a light on alumni and how you can support our students

Josie Kemp – Wellbeing Facilitator

Wellbeing Facilitator

Class of 2015


Former name:


If you studied your undergraduate programme at York St John University or founder colleges, did you go on to postgraduate study?


The Quad. The Victorian architecture of Quad West and Quad North with the sun shining on the grass in the middle of the Quad.

Why have you chosen this photo as your YSJ snapshot?

My time at YSJ was one of the best times of my life and I still talk about my  uni life as if I was there yesterday. It was very difficult to choose photos.

What are your fondest memories of York St John University?

I have many fond memories of my time as a theatre student at YSJ but my few favourite have got to be my first trip to Featherstone Castle, an opportunity of a lifetime by visiting Auschwitz, and of course the many performances that were put on in and around the quad area of the university.

Why did you choose York St John University or founder colleges?

When I was in college and it was the time to start looking at universities, I visited many. The day YSJ had an open day my mum couldn’t attend with me but I really wanted to go. I hopped on a coach with my friend and travelled to York from Manchester. As soon as I stepped off the coach outside the railway station I just knew I had to come here, and I hadn’t even seen the university at this point. When I reached YSJ that was it… I was sold. I had my heart set on attending YSJ and didn’t look at any other universities. When results day came and I knew I did enough to get in I couldn’t have been happier.

What have you been doing since completing your studies?

Since graduating I lived in Lincoln for a year before getting married to my husband who was in the RAF. We then moved to RAF Marham in Norfolk. I joined the military wives choir and have had some amazing experiences with them, one of which going back to York to record our remembrance album. We also got our springer spaniel Henry whilst at RAF Marham. We then got posted to RAF Leeming and it was here where we fell pregnant with our little boy Michael. Unfortunately, my husband got discharged in January 2020 and we moved back to Manchester. Since then I worked in a care home as an activities coordinator and used some of the skills and techniques I picked up at uni. Now, I work at a charity very close to my heart. The Anthony Seddon Fund, a charity based in Ashton Under Lyne that supports people within our local community with their mental well-being. I am their Well-being facilitator and have facilitated a drama therapy group which is where the learnings from my theatre degree really came to fruition. I have since facilitated more projects that have required me to delve into my textbooks and notebooks to assist me.

What one piece of advice would you give to a current student, or one about to graduate?

Embrace uni life and grasp every opportunity with both hands. I feel like I had such an amazing time at uni but that’s down to the opportunities and experiences that were offered to me.

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