
Shining a light on alumni and how you can support our students

Connor Crowley – Sports and Exercise Therapy

Class of 2022

Sport and Exercise Therapy

If you studied your undergraduate programme at York St John University or founder colleges, did you go on to postgraduate study?


Why have you chosen this photo as your YSJ snapshot?

This picture represents what I have achieved as a result of my time at YSJ university.

What are your fondest memories of York St John University?

I enjoyed the times I spent at YSJ, from late nights at the library preparing for exams with my friends to enjoying every single lesson I had. I also miss the scenery that York had to offer.

Why did you choose York St John University or founder colleges?

YSJ has a great sport and exercise therapy course that had a very good graduation rate, YSJ is also located in one of the best cities in the UK…York.

What have you been doing since completing your studies?

My plans are to continue progressing my career. I am currently working and living in Spain where I have since gained contacts and have worked for high level football teams in Gibraltar and Spain. All this is thanks to my time at YSJ, through my course I gained the knowledge and skills that allow me to work at the level I do today.

What one piece of advice would you give to a current student, or one about to graduate?

Work hard, even when you don’t want to work. Go and create connections whilst you’re at university as this will create future opportunities for you. If you are about to graduate I wish you the best of luck in your future endeavours and remember to strive for greatness.

You can learn more about Connor’s career and his journey since leaving York St John in his Alumni Journeys webinar:

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