
Shining a light on alumni and how you can support our students

Jack Woodhams and Daniel Braidley – Menfulness

Co-founders of Menfulness

Jack – Class of 2004, Art and Design BA

Daniel – Class of 2005, English Literature and American Studies BA

Jack and Dan founded Yorkey Dads in 2014, a community for local Dads to talk, share experiences and find community. In 2018, they used their experience of Yorkey Dads to set up Menfulness, a local mental health support group for men in York and the local area.

Since leaving York St John University, they have navigated a number or positions in several industries, but it is their passion in supporting the community and its needs that led them to starting these groups.

By highlighting the needs of their local community, particularly the need for better mental health support for men, Jack and Dan embarked on a journey that has allowed them to build partnerships and create new services for their community.

Listen to Jack and Daniel’s webinar and their fantastic career advice: 

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