5 Reasons You Should Join Our New Online Book Club

Girl with dark hair reading a book
Time for a good book!

Girl with dark hair reading a book

We’ve been thinking about getting our online book club going for a while and have decided that now is the time! We know that many of our alumni are keen readers, so we thought that an online book club would be a great excuse to get everyone connected.

Here are our top 5 reasons you should join:

1. Read something new

Our book recommendations come from alumni, lecturers and friends of York St John. Since the books you’ll be reading will have been chosen by such a wide array of people, it’ll be a surefire way to try things outside of your normal tastes.

2. Share your thoughts

Get new perspectives from others and rave about what you enjoyed or didn’t enjoy. You can be sure that everyone else in the group has read the same book so it’s the perfect chance to spark a conversation.

3. Re-connect with old friends

You never know who you’re going to come across in our book club. Our alumni community span over 89 years and over 24,000 members – that’s 24,000 people you already have something in common with. You’re bound to find someone you knew, or someone who knew someone you knew!

4. Connect with new friends

See reason no. 3 – get to know other York St John alumni through chatting about a good book!

5. Make reading a habit

For us in the alumni office it can be hard to find the time to get started on a book, so we never get round to picking one up or even choosing what to read next! Having a regular flow of at least 4 new books a year to read and hearing how others are enjoying (or not enjoying!) them will mean finding the impetus to get going.

So, what’s stopping you? Let us know you’re in.

2 Responses

  1. Nuraddeen Audi says:

    Please i am interested in joining the online book club. Kindly include me as a member.

  2. Beverly Smith says:

    Please may I join the YSJU online book club?

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