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Our York 10k team: introducing Sarah

With less than two months to go until the York 10k, we’d like to introduce you to our team running for our alumni-funded scholarships.

Anyone connected to York St John can join our team, including staff, current students and alumni. In our third blog, we’re introducing Sarah, who works at York St John as an associate professor.

How long have you been running?  

Tricky to answer – I ran as a young person, then didn’t for a while following an injury other than after toddlers and young children for a while. Revisited it when menopause hit as a way of trying to manage weight gain and even managed a couple of park runs –(coach to 5k a good way back into running) then it was covid so I gave up. Recently restarted but just on my treadmill in my garage.  

Are you a regular runner?  

I try to run at least twice a week 

When did you begin training for this 10k?  

Now…(the end of May)

Why did you sign up for this 10k?  

To give me a purpose and target so that I would keep going and progressing 

You’re raising money for alumni-funded scholarships. Why do you think scholarships are important? 

 I work with so many students who struggle to manage earning enough to eat and pay for uni and have time to do uni work – that anything we can do to support them is valuable. 

What’s been the hardest part about training for this 10k so far? 

Facing my fear of running outside and in public. I am a hot sweaty mess when I run and I don’t like people to see that  

What’s the best bit about training for this 10k?  

Ummmmmm…… seeing my body change shape a little and start shedding that menopause related weight gain. 

What’s your connection with York St John and what’s your favourite memory connected to us?  

I studied here in 2004-2008 and now work here as an associate professor.  

Favourite memory: at graduation, a student’s parents bursting with pride and telling me that if it wasn’t for me their child would not have come to uni, or made it through the first year – student agreeing and thanking me from dragging them along (they got a 2:1). 

You can support Sarah and the wider team running the York 10k by donating to our campaign on JustGiving. You can also join our York 10k team by buying your York 10k ticket on our online store.

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