Ripon newsletter: June 2024

Welcome to your summer Ripon newsletter.

In this newsletter, we look back at Ripon’s Summer Balls, reveal some of the article’s in this year’s alumni magazine and tell you about some of the fantastic events happening in Ripon this Summer.  

School mural mystery solved

Earlier this year, we came across the mystery of a school mural which had recently been rediscovered. It was believed to have been made by some of our students, and the school was excited to learn more about the original mural makers.

In April, Malcolm Hollingdrake came forward as one of the original Ripon students involved with the mural. When he visited the school, he spoke to pupils about the 1974 mural and delighted them with stories about why is had been created.

You can read the full story in a Stray Ferret article.

A grey and brown toned mural showing school children feeding birds.

Summer in Ripon

This summer, Ripon is hosting a range of fantastic events!

If you’re visiting Ripon this summer, make sure to check out the Visit Ripon website to see what’s on during your visit. We’ve also written a short blog with a list of low cost, family friendly reunion ideas.

An age-old subject

Did you know that the first alumni magazine for our Ripon alumni began in 1893? Originally written in-house by staff, over the decades the responsibility for the magazine moved to the Alumni Association, before coming back in house in the early 2000s.

When we research our University history, alumni magazines are a fantastic and easy way to get a snapshot of what life was like in Ripon that year. From staff changes and sports fixtures, to news about upcoming building projects, no two magazines are the same. But one subject does come up in nearly every alumni magazine: keeping your details up to date! Many old alumni magazines even include lists of alumni addresses to remind their alumni.

In this year’s magazine we’ll be including a feature on a key figure in Ripon’s past and exciting updates from each of our academic Schools. We’ll also be telling our alumni who studied at the College of Ripon and York St John about something exciting we’ve got planned…

If you didn’t receive an alumni magazine last year, or you’re unsure if we still have your current address, please update your details with us. You can do this by using our short form, or by emailing your new details to

Upcoming reunions

This month, two large reunion groups are meeting up in Ripon. We hope everyone attending a reunion this month has a fantastic time reconnecting with old friends and making new ones!

Remembering the Summer Balls

As summer begins in earnest, many of our students have already attended their final lessons for the year and are busy working on their final assessments. You might expect that many students will also be planning their outfits for the Summer Ball, but today big Student Balls are a thing of the past!

Instead, our fantastic Students’ Union run two formal awards evenings to celebrate their Sports Clubs and Societies. Students also organise smaller events to raise money for charity throughout the year, including the winter Snow Ball. A few weeks ago, students also held an LGBTQ+ Prom. Open to all, the Prom was aimed at giving students the opportunity to be their authentic selves at a Prom, which they might not have been able to do when they were younger.

But for many years, the Summer Ball was the traditional end to the College term and we know that many alumni remember their student Balls fondly. Earlier this year, Ripon alumna Allison sent us across this fantastic photo from the 1984 Summer Ball!

A slightly grainy photo taken in 1984. It shows a group of students seated at a long table looking towards the camera. The table looks formal but fun, including wine bottles being used for candle holders. In the background a few other students are stood talking. Everyone is laughing or smiling and look as if they're about to start eating their meal. Allison is in the forefront of the picture wearing a fuschia pink dress.

But before the Summer Ball, there was an even older tradition: the Summer Fete. For decades, Ripon College students rarely, if ever, attended balls or dances, and when they did, they were often forbidden to dance with men. We know that some enterprising students managed to get around this rule by claiming their ‘cousin’ was in town, but otherwise the summer social of the season was the time honoured Summer Fete.

The Fete was held in the late 1800s and early 1900s, and was a core part of College life. As the course took two years, students had two experiences of the Fete. In their first year, it was their responsibility to plan the entire day, including the theme, decorations and entertainment. It was tradition for everyone to get involved, including dressing for the theme. If you were ever on the committee for a College occasion, including the Summer Ball, you’ll know how hard but rewarding a job this must have been!

In the second year, the Summer Fete was an entirely different experience. The Fete was held for you, part reward and part goodbye, as it usually signalled the end of term, much like the more modern Summer Ball.  Fete themes varied, but often looked to works of Literature for inspiration.

We haven’t cross checked what the theme for the 1928 Summer Fete was, but we wouldn’t be surprised if it was somehow inspired by Jane Austen!

A black and white photo showing three rows of students gathered together. They are all women. They are all dressed up in regency style clothing, with some students dressed in approximations of a soldier’s uniform.

Share your alumni snapshot

Last year, we started asking alumni to submit their snapshots. Alumni snapshots are a way to share some of your memories of studying with us, and how Ripon shaped your life afterwards.

You can look through other alumni snapshots on Alumination and submit your own on our website.

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