global megatrends

Andrea Oyarce

Diversity AND Inclusive Fashion: A form of self-expression

Brands are targeting more diverse audiences like gender-neutral, alternative ageing, disability, different sizes, among others

Fashion beyond clothing is a form of self- expression and plays an important role in terms of self-confidence.  It reflects style and personality, a person´s own stamp.

The traditional fashion business model has been based in standardization instead of personalisation, because this model allows economies of scale and simpler management strategies, however, lacks diversity and inclusion.  A truly diverse and inclusive fashion should respond to dimensions like gender-neutral, alternative ageing, disability, different sizes, among others. These dimensions have slowly started to be taken onboard by the industry.

In fact, throughout history, cultural and political changes have influenced the fashion industry, leading changes in people attitudes and values.  In 1925, the designer Coco Chanel encouraged women to stop using the corset and other imposed garments. Her designs were revolutionary based in elements of men’s wear and emphasizing comfort over other imposed garments.   In 1966, Harper’s Bazaar Magazine became the first fashion magazine to introduce some ethnic diversity in its women models by featuring black model DonyaleLuna. However, she had such a high level of rejection that she decided to move to London where she became the first black women to be featuring in the cover of the British edition of Vogue.

Gay Pride Movement

Among many political and socio-cultural events that are one way or another shaping the current society, it can be mentioned, Gay Pride Movement, Black lives matter, COVID-19 pandemic, Climate change, among others.

According to Angus and Westbrook (2020) “Today, global awareness of the Inclusive for all trend is rising, both from corporate strategies to new product developments.  In an industry that is customer centred, is crucial to expand to new standards of communications, offer new services and products that represent different consumer groups.  According to the report “The Next Genderation” by Mintel (2017) “Currently, the demand for more diverse representations is high but supply is low”.

Diversity and Innovation go hand in hand

Brands are targeting more diverse audiences, through initiatives that allow them to reach a new customer segment. This new mindset is even being adopted in the fashion shows.  According to the report published by VOGUE (2020), during the Autumn/Winter 2020 fashion shows, brands have increased the stream inclusiveness in the catwalks incorporating curvy models, LGTBI models and models 30+ years.

In terms of product innovation, there are many examples, like disability friendly technology Blind Cap, which incorporates a vibration system and Bluetooth technology inside the swimming cap to prevent the swimmer from hitting the edges. In another example, the online retailer ASOS launched a “curve collection”, a new product category that adapts to curvier shapes in a comfy and fashionable way. Their strategy was very consistent throughout different channels, and it works in a smooth way, normalising the differences.

Companies are also innovating in their communication strategies, as revealed by the report of BOF (2021) about the communication plan of the beauty brand Sephora.  The article refers to the diverse set of influencers that are part of “Sephora Squad” and in which the brand is investing, stating that “It’s crucial to get the curation of partnerships in a programme like this right, because authenticity is what will make this really resonate and drive returns”.  In that sense the brand built the Squad taking a different approach, even nascent talent, not included in influencer databases.

Finally, diversity and inclusivity values are not an option anymore but they are a must instead, and they have to be consistent throughout the whole company´s strategy, from customer to employees.  Companies that build a culture of diversity and inclusiveness will have a competitive advantage and will get to connect with their consumers in a much better and sustainable way.

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