Rebranding Bershka: differentiating the brand from the Inditex stable

The key points to branding are establishing a brand personality and creating a narrative. Brands need to associate themselves with certain human characteristics. Brand personality can be a self-expressive means for the consumer (Keller, 1993). In order to create a narrative, a brand needs to simply tell its story. As consumers can easily see through advertising messages, traditional marketing has become less important. Consumers are now paying to be a part of the story, so it has become crucial for brands to form their own narratives (Tungate, 2012).

Brand narratives do not have to stay the same, they can be changed. An example of a brand changing its narrative is Lacoste, which took advantage of the younger fans paying attention to their brand and made elegantly functional clothing, staying culturally relevant among global consumers (Tungate, 2012).

Rebranding can revitalize the brand through brand meaning and product differentiation, although the brand message must stay consistent (Keller, 1999). It can also help a brand differentiate itself from a parent company’s range. For instance, one of the large fashion group Inditex’s seven brands, Bershka can reposition itself to tear away from its family. It can redesign its visual identity, such as changing its logo.

lowercase format, black and white contrast

Other brands from the Inditex group have done it, including Zara and Pull&Bear.

Zara and Pull & Bear logo evolution

The group is successful through the perfect differentiation it has created between each of its brands, allowing them to have different identities aimed at different customer groups (Retviews, 2020).


Keller, K. (2003) Understanding brands, branding and brand equity. Interactive Marketing, 5(1), pp.7-20.

Retviews. (2020) Zara’s Owner: What Differs The Spanish Fashion Group Inditex?. [online] Available at: <> [Accessed 17 May 2022].

Tungate, M. (2012) Fashion Brands: Branding Style from Armani to Zara, Kogan Page, Limited, London. Available from: ProQuest Ebook Central. [17 May 2022].

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