Stella McCartney’s use of visual channels to convey brand values

Brand values are the beliefs a brand stands for, and the principles that shape the whole brand identity (Nettl, 2021). Brand values are portrayed in the brand story. Using brand narratives in visual communication is proved to be positively associated with favorable reactions toward ads (Kang et al, 2019). Storytelling is effective to convey messages and enhance the reader’s interaction with the brand (Padgett & Allen, 1997).

Stella McCartney’s homepage tells us a story about how she has stayed a vegan her whole life and how this has influenced her work to be sustainable, without using any leather, skins, fur, or feather. 

Stella McCartney homepage: About Stella

Channels are ways of content distribution, and when there is more than one way of content distribution, it is called multichannel. It has evolved into omnichannel, which means consumers use all channels simultaneously instead of separately (Lazaris and Vrechopoulos, 2014). Rigby addressed the term first by defining omnichannel retailing as an integrated sales experience, involving the simultaneous use of channels and the combination of them (Rigby, 2011). 

Stella McCartney continues to grow its sustainability, by launching first-ever vegan shoes, iconic vegan accessories, and charity foundations dedicated to raising awareness of breast cancer as well as supporting sustainability. The brand stays consistent with its brand values, which creates a strong brand identity and effectively conveys its message through visual channels. Its website effectively illustrates its vegan initiative and its story along its timeline. In 2020, Stellavision was created to let consumers communicate during the lockdown. Through the brand’s social media, the brand continues to use the channel to show how they are committed to the green initiative.

Stella McCartney Instagram


Kang, J., Hong, S. and Hubbard, G. (2020) ‘The role of storytelling in advertising: Consumer emotion, narrative engagement level, and word‐of‐mouth intention’. Journal of Consumer Behaviour, 19(1), pp.47-56.

Lazaris, C. and Vrechopoulos, A. (2014) ‘From multichannel to “omnichannel” retailing: review of the literature and calls for research’. In 2nd International Conference on Contemporary Marketing Issues,(ICCMI) (Vol. 6, pp. 1-6).

Nettl. (2021) Incorporating Brand Values in to your Business : [online] Available at: <> [Accessed 1 April 2022].

Padgett, D. and Allen, D. (1997). ‘Communicating experiences: A narrative approach to creating service brand image’. Journal of Advertising, 26(4), 49–62. 

Rigby, D. (2011) ‘The Future of Shopping’, Harvard Business Review, 89(12), pp.64–75. 

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