YSJ, Academic Development Programme

Professional Development for Learning, Teaching and Research

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Developing an Inclusive Research Culture

March 24, 2022 @ 2:00 pm - 4:00 pm


Format: Online using MS Teams

Delivered by Professor Kalwant Bhopal from University of Birmingham, this session will examine how universities can develop inclusive research cultures with a particular focus on race. It will draw on empirical research with Black and minority ethnic academics to explore their experiences of working in universities.

The session will explore how good practice can be used to ensure that Black and minority ethnic academics are supported and valued in their research and career trajectories.

Session Structure

Below is an indicative structure for the session and timings may vary on the day.

Activity Timings
Introduction and input by Prof Kalwant Bhopal 30 minutes
Participant questions and discussion 15 minutes
Break 10 minutes
Breakout Room Discussions 20 mins
Final Discussion 20 mins
Conclusion 10 mins


About Kalwant

Kalwant Bhopal is Professor of Education and Social Justice and Director of the Centre on Research on Race and Education at the University of Birmingham, UK. Kalwant’s research focuses on the achievements and experiences of minority ethnic groups in education. She has conducted research on exploring discourses of identity and intersectionality examining the lives of Black minority ethnic groups as well as examining the marginal position of Gypsies and Travellers. Her research specifically explores how processes of racism, exclusion and marginalisation operate in predominantly White spaces with a focus on social justice and inclusion.

From 2017-2019, Kalwant was Visiting Professor at Harvard University in the Graduate School of Education. Her recent book, White Privilege: The Myth of a Post-Racial Society, was published by Policy Press. Her new book (with Martin Myers), Elites and the Making of Privilege, will be published by Routledge in 2022.


Booking for this event is done using Eventbrite via this link: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/developing-an-inclusive-research-culture-tickets-264052838147

This session will be recorded.


March 24, 2022
2:00 pm - 4:00 pm
Event Categories:


Microsoft Teams
-- United Kingdom


Research Office