YSJ, Academic Development Programme

Professional Development for Learning, Teaching and Research

Research Integrity and Ethics


Session facilitator: Dr Olalekan Adekola and Dr Scott Cole Online MS Teams: Click here to join the meeting This session will discuss the importance and principles of ethical research. During […]

Knowledge Transfer Partnerships – Application Development

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Session facilitated by Michael Wilson from Business Development  Ever wondered how you may be able to secure funding to apply your research in a commercial setting? Knowledge Transfer Partnerships are […]

Speaking and writing your thesis

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Facilitator: Professor John Tribe RDF Indicator: A1 Programme: PGR Research Skills Programme 2021-22 Theme: Academic Skills   Session Overview: PhD students devote a huge amount of time to their research […]

Ethnographic Fieldwork

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Session facilitator: Professor Lee Higgins In this session, we will discuss an ethnographic approach to research with particular attention to participant observation. We will locate the strategy as a form […]