YSJ, Academic Development Programme

Professional Development for Learning, Teaching and Research

Democratic methodologies – Whose voices are heard?

Microsoft Teams --

At a time of flux in the world when we are seeing democratic decay in a range of countries and environments, democratic methodologies are necessary in research to further democracy […]

Engaging with national policy

On campus - TBC

Facilitator: Dr Joseph Bailey, Lecturer in Geography RDF Indicators: D3, D2, and B3 Programme: Research CPD Programme 2021-22 Theme: Core research skills   Session Overview: We will discuss why it […]

Using the RDF for your career progression

FT/210 York St John University, Lord Mayor's Walk, York

Session facilitator: Dr Charlotte Haines Lyon This session will introduce the Vitae RDF planner to participants and look at how researchers can use it to help aid their career progression. […]

Individual Research Plans (Staff only)

On campus - TBC

Facilitator: Professor Robert Mortimer, Pro Vice Chancellor for Research and Knowledge Exchange RDF Indicator: B1, B3, C2 Programme: CPD Programme 2021-22 Theme: Staff Core Research Skills Session Overview: This session […]

Copyright & Intellectual Property


Facilitator: Chloe Beswick, Copyright, Licensing and Research Librarian, Student Life: Library & Learning Services RDF indicators: B1, D2 PGR Research Skills Programme Session description: This session is an introduction to […]