YSJ, Academic Development Programme

Professional Development for Learning, Teaching and Research

Facilitating and reviewing dialogues against PSF 2023

MS Teams

This workshop session is designed to support colleagues who are reviewers of D1-D3 claims for Fellowship. Attendees will be introduced to the new requirements of the dialogue option as per the accredited provision. Colleaegues will have the opportunity to discuss the practicalities of hosting a dialogue, as well as practice reviewing and decision-making for a […]

Fellowship Writing Retreat (ExP & Dev P) Option 1

MS Teams

People often worry about having the time and space to undertake their own professional development. This session gives just that opportunity. It is a facilitated session for colleagues who are preparing evidence in support of a submission for Associate, Fellow or Senior Fellow recognition. Participants will be supported to develop their writing independently in specific […]

Facilitating and reviewing dialogues against the PSF 2023 (D1-D3)

MS Teams

This workshop session is designed to support colleagues who are reviewers of D1-D3 claims for Fellowship. Attendees will be introduced to the new requirements of the dialogue option as per the accredited provision. Colleaegues will have the opportunity to discuss the practicalities of hosting a dialogue, as well as practice reviewing and decision-making for a […]

Fellowship Writing Retreat (D1 – D3, ExP & DevP)

MS Teams

People often worry about having the time and space to undertake their own professional development. This session gives just that opportunity. It is a facilitated session for colleagues who are preparing evidence in support of a submission for Associate, Fellow or Senior Fellow recognition. Participants will be supported to develop their writing independently in specific […]

Discussing Decolonisation 2024/25: A roundtable discussion at York St John

CC/201 Creative Centre, York St John University, York

Please note this event is being postponed until January 2025. More information to follow soon. About: How should we understand 'decolonisation' in the context of higher education? Is decolonisation more about material demands or epistemic justice? Can we seek to decolonise the curriculum without decarbonising the institution? How does decolonisation intersect with other social justice […]

Fellowship Peer Review Workshop (ExP & DevP)

MS Teams

This workshop takes a reviewer's perspective and guides participants through how Fellowship claims are reviewed. It covers D1–D3 applications.  By the end of the session, participants will:  learn how we make judgements based on the descriptors and use of the dimensions to signpost examples of practice  review two samples as a cohort, drawing together your […]

RIPPLE Reading Group: Automating Academia?

MS Teams

How should we understand the use of generative AI in academia? Does it represent an exciting new tool for enhancing student learning and assessment, a useful time- and labour-saving device for an over-stretched workforce, or the 'apotheosis of academia’s decline' (Watermeyer et al, 2024)? Will GenAI ensure higher education remains relevant and functional in an […]

Discussing Decolonisation 2024/25: Decolonising Academic Writing with Dr Amita Nijhawan (UAL)

CC/201 Creative Centre, York St John University, York

The third event in our 2024/25 Discussing Decolonisation series will be an in-person workshop on decolonising academic writing, led by Dr Amita Nijhawan. More details below.  If you would like to receive updates about this and other events in the series, please sign up for our new Discussing Decolonisation mailing list.  Summary: Decolonising Writing  In […]

Gender and Climate Justice in the Global South (York International Women’s Week 2025)

Temple Hall York, United Kingdom

Climate change is a feminist issue. Women and girls are disproportionately affected by climate breakdown and forced migration, representing 80% of those displaced worldwide (UN Environment). Moreover, women face heightened risks when taking action against climate change and ecological injustice both within and beyond their communities. Latin America has become one of the most dangerous […]

RIPPLE: Building community with the Living Lab

Microsoft Teams --, United Kingdom

For our first RIPPLE breakfast meeting of 2025, colleagues from the Living Lab will discuss the challenges and possibilities of community-based work and cross-disciplinary projects with students, drawing on practice examples of how they co-develop and use 'live briefs'. Following their presentation, we will open up the floor for questions and wider group discussion about […]

Discussing Decolonisation 2024/25: Online PGR Panel Discussion

Microsoft Teams --, United Kingdom

Decolonisation and Academic Futures: Postgraduate Research Panel Friday 28th March 2025, 2-4pm  Call for Proposals: Calls to 'decolonise' the university are far from new. For decades now, students and staff have been pressing their institutions to diversify and decolonise curricula, to decentre whiteness within academic research and practice, to acknowledge historical and financial complicities, and […]

Discussing Decolonisation – Guest Lecture by Dr Luke de Noronha at YSJ London

LX601, London Campus , United Kingdom

The fourth event in our 2024/25 Discussing Decolonisation series will be a guest lecture by Dr Luke de Noronha at the YSJ London Campus and livestreamed via MS Teams. More details below.  If you would like to receive updates about this and other events in the series, please sign up for our Discussing Decolonisation mailing list.  Abstract: […]