YSJ, Academic Development Programme

Professional Development for Learning, Teaching and Research

Writing external research grant applications for YSJ staff only


Facilitator: Professor Robert Mortimer, Pro Vice Chancellor Research and Knowledge Exchange RDF Indicator: A3, B3, C2 Programme: CPD Programme 2021-22 Theme: Core Research Skills for YSJ Staff Taking place via Teams Session Overview: This session will cover the basic approach to writing external research grant applications, and how to maximise your changes of being within […]

Professional Recognition: Writing Retreat

Microsoft Teams --, United Kingdom

People often worry about having the time and space to undertake their own professional development. This session gives you just that. It is a non-taught session for colleagues who are preparing evidence in support of a claim for Associate, Fellow or Senior Fellow status. By the end of the session, participants will have had protected […]

AdvanceHE: Surveys and Insights Symposium 2022

Surveys, measurement tools, metrics and insight have a key role to play in helping maximise the reach and quality of provision within the sector.   This symposium provides an opportunity to discuss and debate the potential of insight from surveys, metrics, qualitative research and wider methods of capturing the voice of the student for driving […]

AdvanceHE: Employability Symposium

It’s inescapable: employability is a prominent feature of contemporary higher education. Globally, HE providers are examining the methods they use to enhance employability and, increasingly, there is a desire to strengthen and develop relevant activities due to a range of factors and influences, such as graduate destination data, labour market detail, policy impact and student […]

Democratic methodologies – Whose voices are heard?

Microsoft Teams --, United Kingdom

At a time of flux in the world when we are seeing democratic decay in a range of countries and environments, democratic methodologies are necessary in research to further democracy on a micro and macro level. This session will explore how we might consider different voices in research and the ethical issues that might arise. […]

Professional Recognition: An introduction to HEA Fellowship (Cohort 9, Option 1)

Microsoft Teams --, United Kingdom

Do you want to know how to gain HEA Fellowship? This session is for those people who want to know about the practicalities to enable them gain Associate, Fellow or Senior Fellow status. By the end of the session, participants will be aware of the timelines and routes available to enable them to make a […]

Engaging with national policy

On campus - TBC

Facilitator: Dr Joseph Bailey, Lecturer in Geography RDF Indicators: D3, D2, and B3 Programme: Research CPD Programme 2021-22 Theme: Core research skills   Session Overview: We will discuss why it is worthwhile engaging with national policy, and some means by which to do so. This will be based on, but go beyond, my own experience […]

Using the RDF for your career progression

FT/210 York St John University, Lord Mayor's Walk, York, United Kingdom

Session facilitator: Dr Charlotte Haines Lyon This session will introduce the Vitae RDF planner to participants and look at how researchers can use it to help aid their career progression. Learning Outcomes: 1) Participants will understand what the RDF planner is and how to access it. 2) Participants will understand how to use it and […]

Individual Research Plans (Staff only)

On campus - TBC

Facilitator: Professor Robert Mortimer, Pro Vice Chancellor for Research and Knowledge Exchange RDF Indicator: B1, B3, C2 Programme: CPD Programme 2021-22 Theme: Staff Core Research Skills Session Overview: This session will look at how staff can use an Individual Research Plan (IRP) to support the development of their research. It will cover how to think […]

Copyright & Intellectual Property


Facilitator: Chloe Beswick, Copyright, Licensing and Research Librarian, Student Life: Library & Learning Services RDF indicators: B1, D2 PGR Research Skills Programme Session description: This session is an introduction to copyright and intellectual property. We’ll cover what intellectual property is and why it’s important for researchers to have an awareness of it. We’ll look more […]

Professional Recognition: An introduction to HEA Fellowship (Cohort 9, Option 2)

Microsoft Teams --, United Kingdom

Do you want to know how to gain HEA Fellowship? This session is for those people who want to know about the practicalities to enable them gain Associate, Fellow or Senior Fellow status. By the end of the session, participants will be aware of the timelines and routes available to enable them to make a […]

Building for the Future: Self-Awareness and Career Development Theory


Facilitator: Matt Jones, Careers Advisor, Careers, Placements & Student Opportunities RDF Indicator: B1, B3 Programme: PGR Research Skills Programme 2021-22   Theme: Building for the Future: Career Development Topic: Self-Awareness and Career Development Theory Delivery: Online via Virtual Graduate Centre (VGC)   Session Overview:   During this asynchronous careers session, you will be supported to develop your […]