YSJ, Academic Development Programme

Professional Development for Learning, Teaching and Research

Introduction to Fellowship (ExP) – Option 2

MS Teams

This session is for colleagues with more than two years’ experience of teaching and/or supporting learning in Higher Education settings. The session is designed to provide colleagues with the information they need to know in order to progress with Fellowship professional recognition via the YSJ CPD Scheme Experiential Pathway (ExP). By the end of the session, […]

Getting Started with Fellowship (ExP) – Option 1

MS Teams

This session is for colleagues with more than two years’ experience of teaching and/or supporting learning in Higher Education settings. Colleagues must have attended the Introduction to Fellowship (ExP) session prior to attending this workshop The workshop is designed to be a practical session to help participants explore their own practice in relation to the […]

Introduction to the Developmental Pathway workshop (option 2)

MS Teams

This 90-minute workshop will guide you through the essentials of the Developmental Pathway (DevP), HEA Fellowship and the Professional Standards Framework (2023).   Attending one of these workshops will operate as your enrolment onto the scheme. You only need to attend one workshop, please accept the appropriate workshop.   In preparation for engaging on the […]

Getting Started with Fellowship (ExP) Option 2

MS Teams

This session is for colleagues with more than two years’ experience of teaching and/or supporting learning in Higher Education settings. Colleagues must have attended the Introduction to Fellowship (ExP) session prior to attending this workshop The workshop is designed to be a practical session to help participants explore their own practice in relation to the […]

Discussing Decolonisation 2024/25

Various , United Kingdom

About: Hosted by the Teaching and Learning Enhancement Team at York St John University (YSJU), the Discussing Decolonisation series returns in 2024/25 with a series of talks and discussions taking place online and in person over the course of the academic year. The events include guest lectures, workshops, roundtables and panel discussions, and are designed […]

Discussing Decolonisation x Black History Month: A guest lecture by Dr John Narayan (KCL)

Creative Centre York St John University, York

The first event of our 2024/25 Discussing Decolonisation series will be guest lecture by Dr John Narayan (KCL) on the revolutionary history and theory of the Black Panther Party, followed by audience Q&A. This event also ties in with Black History Month 2024, the theme of which is 'Reclaiming Narratives'. *Image shows members of the […]

Assessing written claims against the PSF 2023 – D1 standardisation

MS Teams

A Fellowship standardisation event for colleagues supporting D1 claims for Fellowship.    Registration Email Mark Dransfield (Cc. TES) with the title and date of the session, in order to receive an Outlook invitation.   Primary audience: Reviewers (mentors welcome) Pathway: DevP / ExpP

Discussing Decolonisation Reading Group 2024/25

MS Teams

About: The Discussing Decolonisation Reading Group (DDRG) is a new cross-disciplinary reading and discussion group for YSJ staff and students that will run alongside our Discussing Decolonisation event series for 2024/25. The task of decolonising higher education requires us to engage in sustained thinking, reading and discussion about the history, theory and politics of colonialism […]

Fellowship Reflective Writing Workshop (ExP & DevP)

MS Teams

This practical session will outline the benefits of structured reflection in a professional context, while offering some methods and models for participants to utilise in creating their own short piece of reflective writing. Participants will be supported to develop pieces of writing towards their Fellowship claims and encouraged to map their writing to the PSF […]

Assessing written submissions against the PSF 2023 – D2 standardisation

MS Teams

A two-hour standardisation event for colleagues supporting D2 written submissions for Fellowship.    Primary audience: Fellowship Reviewers (Mentors welcome) Pathway: DevP / ExpP Registration Email Mark Dransfield (Cc. TES) with the title and date of the session, to receive an Outlook invite.

RIPPLE Breakfast Meeting: Student engagement – how to make our efforts count

MS Teams

For our next RIPPLE breakfast meeting, we will meet online to discuss how – in the face of ever-increasing workloads – we can make our efforts count for as many students as possible through innovative approaches to assessment, pedagogy and practice.  We will first hear from YSJ colleagues whose novel cross-disciplinary initiatives have helped to […]

Facilitating and reviewing dialogues against the PSF 2023 (D1-D3)

MS Teams

This workshop session is designed to support colleagues who are reviewers of D1-D3 claims for Fellowship. Attendees will be introduced to the new requirements of the dialogue option as per the accredited provision. Colleaegues will have the opportunity to discuss the practicalities of hosting a dialogue, as well as practice reviewing and decision-making for a […]