YSJ, Academic Development Programme

Professional Development for Learning, Teaching and Research

Research Integrity and Ethics


Session facilitator: Dr Olalekan Adekola and Dr Scott Cole Online MS Teams: Click here to join the meeting This session will discuss the importance and principles of ethical research. During the session, we will introduce participants to YSJ research ethics-related information and useful resources. We will go through the research ethics application form. At the […]

L&T Academic Promotion Writing Retreat – Session 2

FT/113 On campus and online

Carving out the time and space to apply for academic promotions can be difficult, especially at the start of semester. Led by Dr Sue Jones and Dr Mark Dransfield, these writing retreats provide time, space and practical support for staff who want to apply for academic promotion this year (April 2022) through the L&T primary […]

Introduction to Comprehensive Meta-Analysis

Microsoft Teams --, United Kingdom

Session facilitator: Dr Daniel Madigan In this session, I aim to provide a summary of meta-analysis for those unfamiliar with this analytical approach. I hope to cover: (1) what meta-analysis is, (2) the types of questions that can be answered with meta-analysis, (3) how to conduct meta-analyses, and (4) what software is available to do […]

Q&A with journal editors

Microsoft Teams --, United Kingdom

Session facilitators: Professor Andrew Hill, Professor Matthew Reason & Associate Professor Sarah Lawson-Welsh  This session will provide the opportunity to ask experienced journal editors from different disciplines questions regarding aspects of the publication and peer-review process. A brief introduction from the editors followed by a Q & A format. Learning Outcome: Novel insight into the […]

Text and discourse based analysis

Microsoft Teams --, United Kingdom

Session facilitators: Professor Matthew Clarke, Dr Clare Cunningham and Dr Brett Heasman This session is aimed at researchers interested in considering text and discourse approaches to research. The session will introduce some fundamental theoretical principles common to various discourse analytic approaches and outline how we can view various discourse analytic approaches on a continuum between […]

Open Research for Researchers

Microsoft Teams --, United Kingdom

Facilitator: Chloe Beswick, Copyright, Licensing and Research Librarian, Student Life: Library & Learning Services RDF indicators: B2, D2 PGR Research Skills Programme   Session description: This session is an introduction to Open Research, Open Access and Open Data. We’ll cover what Open Research is and why it’s important. We’ll then look more closely at Open […]

Professional Recognition: An introduction to HEA Fellowship (Cohort 9, Option 1)

Microsoft Teams --, United Kingdom

Do you want to know how to gain HEA Fellowship? This session is for those people who want to know about the practicalities to enable them gain Associate, Fellow or Senior Fellow status. By the end of the session, participants will be aware of the timelines and routes available to enable them to make a […]

Using the RDF for your career progression

FT/210 York St John University, Lord Mayor's Walk, York, United Kingdom

Session facilitator: Dr Charlotte Haines Lyon This session will introduce the Vitae RDF planner to participants and look at how researchers can use it to help aid their career progression. Learning Outcomes: 1) Participants will understand what the RDF planner is and how to access it. 2) Participants will understand how to use it and […]

Copyright & Intellectual Property


Facilitator: Chloe Beswick, Copyright, Licensing and Research Librarian, Student Life: Library & Learning Services RDF indicators: B1, D2 PGR Research Skills Programme Session description: This session is an introduction to copyright and intellectual property. We’ll cover what intellectual property is and why it’s important for researchers to have an awareness of it. We’ll look more […]

Professional Recognition: An introduction to HEA Fellowship (Cohort 9, Option 2)

Microsoft Teams --, United Kingdom

Do you want to know how to gain HEA Fellowship? This session is for those people who want to know about the practicalities to enable them gain Associate, Fellow or Senior Fellow status. By the end of the session, participants will be aware of the timelines and routes available to enable them to make a […]

Data Management for Researchers

Microsoft Teams --, United Kingdom

Facilitator: Chloe Beswick, Copyright, Licensing and Research Librarian, Student Life: Library & Learning Services RDF indicators: B2, C1, D2 PGR Research Skills Programme Session description:  This session is an introduction to research data management. We’ll cover the basics of research data management, data management plans and the benefits of effective research data management. We’ll also […]