Text and discourse based analysis

Text and discourse based analysis

Session facilitators: Professor Matthew Clarke, Dr Clare Cunningham and Dr Brett Heasman This session is aimed at researchers interested in considering text and discourse approaches to research. The session will introduce some fundamental theoretical principles common to various discourse analytic approaches and outline how we can view various discourse analytic approaches on a continuum between more social theory oriented approaches and more linguistically oriented approaches. The session will briefly look at political discourse theory as an example of the former, conversation analysis as an example of the latter, and critical discourse analysis as an approach that sits somewhere in the middle. Learning Outcomes: An understanding of the underlying philosophical principles underpinning text and discourse approaches to research An insight into the variety of different approaches to text and discourse analysis An understanding of the methods employed by three key discourse analytic approaches (political discourse theory; critical discourse analysis; and conversation analysis) Book now This session will be recorded...
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Interviewing in qualitative research

Interviewing in qualitative research

Facilitator: Dr Maria Fernandes-Jesus RDF Indicator: A1 Programme: PGR Research Skills Programme 2021-22 Theme: Research Methods Taking place in CD/103 Session Overview: Interviews are widely used as a method for data collection in social and human sciences. This session will give you methodological tools to design and conduct qualitative interviews. Learning Outcomes: After participating in this session students should be able to: Describe and identify different interview types and techniques Design an interview guide Outline the guidelines for conducting interviews in qualitative research Identify what makes a good interview, as well as the strengths and weaknesses of interview studies You can book your place on Eventbrite here: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/interview-questions-for-research-tickets-199623919517...
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Introduction to Comprehensive Meta-Analysis

Introduction to Comprehensive Meta-Analysis

Session facilitator: Dr Daniel Madigan In this session, I aim to provide a summary of meta-analysis for those unfamiliar with this analytical approach. I hope to cover: (1) what meta-analysis is, (2) the types of questions that can be answered with meta-analysis, (3) how to conduct meta-analyses, and (4) what software is available to do so. Learning Outcomes: (1) Understand what meta-analysis is (2) Understand the types of questions that can be answered with meta-analysis (3) Understand the main steps in conducting a meta-analysis Click on this link to book your place via Eventbrite This session will be take place on Teams and will be recorded...
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YSJ Pedagogy: Creativity

YSJ Pedagogy: Creativity

This session explores the concept of creativity within the university, including how teaching practices may impact creativity, how creativities may interact with each other, and how creativity may be embraced as a way of being within learning. This session is one of three 'YSJ Pedagogy' sessions, led by Dr Murphy McCaleb. See the event calendar for more information about the other sessions in this series. Strategic links This session links with: LTSE strategy 2026 3.1 Booking To book a place on this event, click here....
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Ethnographic Fieldwork

Ethnographic Fieldwork

Session facilitator: Professor Lee Higgins In this session, we will discuss an ethnographic approach to research with particular attention to participant observation. We will locate the strategy as a form of qualitative research developing from anthropology. Examples will be predominantly taken from an ethnomusicological perspective and provide an opportunity to critically consider the approach. Learning Outcomes: Contextual understanding of ethnography Examples of implementation Book now This session will be recorded...
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Speaking and writing your thesis

Speaking and writing your thesis

Facilitator: Professor John Tribe RDF Indicator: A1 Programme: PGR Research Skills Programme 2021-22 Theme: Academic Skills   Session Overview: PhD students devote a huge amount of time to their research methods, data collection and analysis. They are then often left to get on with the writing and sometimes completely overwhelmed by the task of compiling a thesis of 80000 words. But writing requires just as much care as the research itself. This session will discuss the elements of good writing for social science researchers. In fact it will encourage you to take pride in beautiful writing which is a delight to the reader. And we’ll also think about how to make your research presentations engaging too. Learning Outcomes: After participating in this session students should be able to: Understand the key challenges of thesis writing Understand the key structural elements of a PhD thesis Apply techniques of good writing to their PhD thesis Apply techniques for competent oral presentation of their thesis   You can book your place on Eventbrite...
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YSJ Pedagogy: Collaboration

YSJ Pedagogy: Collaboration

This session explores how collaborations may be manifest within teaching practices, how they may be encouraged, and where value may be found within collaborative projects and relationships. Please note that this is one of three ‘YSJ Pedagogy’ sessions, led by Dr Murphy McCaleb. See the event calendar for more information about the other sessions in this series. Strategic links This session links with: LTSE strategy 2026 1.1, 1.3 LTSE strategy 2026 4.2 Booking To book a place on this event, click here....
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Academic skills of editing and proof reading

Academic skills of editing and proof reading

Facilitator: Rosie Bawn, Study Development RDF Indicator: A1, 2 & 3 Programme: PGR Research Skills Programme 2021-22   Theme: Core Programme for Stage 3    Delivery: Online via Teams    Session Overview:   During this two-hour session, you will have the opportunity to develop your skills for editing and proofreading your own work. You will have the chance to objectively assess your writing to be able to revise and refine your drafts.  Learning Outcomes:   Methodically plan and work through points for editing and proofreading. Gain confidence in checking your own work and that of your peers.     You can book your place on Eventbrite here:  https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/academic-skills-of-editing-and-proof-reading-tickets-191018480417 MS Teams link: Join Teams Meeting ...
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Pluralistic Research Design

Pluralistic Research Design

Session facilitator: Professor Lynne Gabriel RDF Indicator:A1 Programme: PGR Theme: Research Methods Delivery Method: Online via Teams   Session Overview: What is a pluralistic approach to research?  It's a perspective that appreciates diverse methods and approaches to meaning-making and knowledge production.  This seminar introduces pluralistic research concepts and practices and invites participants to consider how they might utilize a pluralistic perspective.  You can book your place on Eventbrite here: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/pluralistic-research-design-tickets-191036835317 ...
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Introduction to Mplus

Introduction to Mplus

Session facilitator: Dr Robert Vaughan, Senior Lecturer in Psychology A beginners introduction into the popular structural equation modelling software MPlus. This session will introduce beginners to the basic commands and procedures needed to analyses quantitative data using a range of flexible yet powerful analytical techniques. No experience is needed and example results will be provided so that students can refer back to this session with their own data. Learning Outcomes: How to upload, save, and open data on MPlus. Basic introduction to the Mplus language. How to interpret basic Mplus outout. Book now...
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