The Conversation Media Training

The Conversation Media Training

Facilitator: Dale Berning Sawa from The Conversation UK RDF Indicator: A1, D2 Programme: CPD Programme 2021-22 Theme: Academic Skills   Session Overview: The Conversation is a news analysis and opinion platform of articles written by academics and funded by more than 70 UK and European universities. Working with an editor, researchers write short pieces that deliver academic expertise directly to the public. York St John University has partnered with The Conversation since 2018, with our academics amassing a readership of well over a million people via the platform. If you’ve not written for The Conversation before or would just like a refresher session, please come along to one of the online workshops that are being run exclusively for members of the academic community at York St John. You’ll gain valuable insights into writing for a general audience and find out what The Conversation can offer for your research and academic profile. The workshops are run on Zoom by an editor from The Conversation, and you only need to attend one. Booking is essential...
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Action Research: A Participatory Approach to Social Justice

Action Research: A Participatory Approach to Social Justice

Facilitator: Dr Joan Walton  RDF Indicator: A1 Programme: PGR Research Skills Programme 2021-22 / Staff Continuous Professional Development Programme 2021/22 Theme: Research Skills: Methodologies, Tools and Techniques / Institute for Social Justice (ISJ)   Delivery: Online via Teams   Session Overview: This session will include an exploration of social justice as a verb, not just as a noun.   There are many theoretical debates about what social justice actually means – what it would look like to live in a socially just world.  This is an important debate;  but more importantly is the question as to what action can we take to improve social justice?  The claim here is that there is no one ‘once and for all’ answer to this question; but that we need to take responsibility, individually and collaboratively, for working out what that means for each of us.  Action research is an approach to research that allows us to plan, implement and evaluate action.  In this session, there will be the opportunity to learn about and to discuss first, second and...
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Field Research – Challenges and Risk Management

Field Research – Challenges and Risk Management

Facilitator: Dr Pauline Couper, Dr Olalekan Adekola, Dr Jen Hall RDF Indicator: A1, C1 & 2 Programme: PGR Research Skills Programme 2021-22   Theme: Research Skills: Methodologies, Tools and Techniques   Delivery: Online via Teams    Summary Field research is a messy business. From planning logistics and negotiating access to places and people, through looking after your own safety, to coping with the complexities of constructing knowledge from the world-in-process; dealing with the unexpected is an inevitable part of fieldwork. This session provides insight into the range of challenges field researchers encounter. We draw on Olalekan’s and Jen’s own experiences of research, and Pauline’s research interviews with geographers from around the world about their experiences of field research. Three pre-recorded sessions (c. 15 minutes each) will be followed by a live Q&A panel session. Learning Outcomes Through this session attendees will gain: 1. Appreciation of the range of challenges associated with field research. 2. Awareness of the difference between risk assessment and ongoing risk management. You can book your place on Eventbrite here: MS Teams...
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Reviewing Academic Literature

Reviewing Academic Literature

Facilitator: Study Development (Timothy Lawrence and Rosie Bawn) RDF Indicator: A1,2 & 3 Programme: PGR Research Skills Programme 2021-22  Theme: Academic Skills  Delivery: Online via Teams Session Overview:  Are you stuck wading through a never-ending stack of articles? Or wondering how to transform your notes into a clear literature review? This session will focus on how to review academic literature effectively, and communicate this in your writing. We will explore how to identify relevant materials, and discuss how to write up this research in a critical way. We will discuss how to include a variety of important elements in your literature review, including: key arguments in the literature, why the scholarship matters, linking ideas/texts together, and how different sources support, disagree and/or develop each other. Learning Outcomes:  Understanding the structure of a literature review and how to summarise and analyse the material. Learn how to review literature and critically evaluate the content.    You can book your place on Eventbrite here: MS Teams link: Join Teams Meeting...
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The challenges and strategies in participation research

The challenges and strategies in participation research

Facilitator: Associate Professor Nick Rowe, Director on Converge RDF Indicator: A1, C1 Programme: PGR Research Skills Programme 2021-22  Theme: Research Ethics and Integrity  Delivery: Online via Teams Session Overview:  In this session we will consider the challenges of, and strategies for, involving people in research who may not have had previous experience. We will look at the arguments for participatory research and its common pitfalls. Nick will share the experience of the Converge Evaluation and Research Team, a group of people with lived experience of mental ill health who undertake external research on issues related to mental health. Learning Outcomes:  Understanding of participatory research and how to address challenges. Gain an insight into conducting participatory research and strategies to employ.    You can book your place on Eventbrite here: MS Teams link: Join Teams Meeting...
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The Conversation media training

The Conversation media training

Facilitator: the Conversation Editor RDF Indicator: A1 Programme: CPD Programme 2021-22 Theme: Academic Skills   Session Overview: The Conversation is a news analysis and opinion platform of articles written by academics and funded by more than 70 UK and European universities. Working with an editor, researchers write short pieces that deliver academic expertise directly to the public. York St John University has partnered with The Conversation since 2018, with our academics amassing a readership of well over a million people via the platform. If you’ve not written for The Conversation before or would just like a refresher session, please come along to one of the online workshops that are being run exclusively for members of the academic community at York St John. You’ll gain valuable insights into writing for a general audience and find out what The Conversation can offer for your research and academic profile. The workshops are run on Zoom by an editor from The Conversation, and you only need to attend one. Booking is essential and places are limited. The...
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Academic Writing Skills

Academic Writing Skills

Facilitator: Tim Lawrence from Study Development RDF Indicator: A1 Programme: PGR Research Skills Programme 2021-22 Theme: Academic Skills   Session Overview: The session aims to equip you with the tools and techniques effectively plan and structure your thesis and develop your writing style to find your own voice. This session will be beneficial for any postgraduate researchers in the first stage of a research degree. Learning Outcomes: Gain an in-depth understanding of academic writing for masters and doctoral-level programmes Understand the structure of a thesis Develop your own style of academic writing   You can book your place on Eventbrite here:  ...
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Action modes of research

Action modes of research

Facilitator: Professor Jeff Gold RDF Indicator: A1 Programme: PGR Research Skills Programme 2021-22 Theme: Research Skills: Methodologies, Tools and Techniques   Session Overview: The session will consider various approaches to use of action modes of research. Action modes provide an alternative approach to research with the specific purpose to improve action against difficult and complex issues. As such they are relevant to bridging the research practice divide while retaining rigour.  Learning Outcomes:  Understand the various methodologies of action modes of research Appreciate the use of action modes of research Critically consider the role of action modes of research for theorising   You can book your place on Eventbrite here:
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YSJ Pedagogy: Community

YSJ Pedagogy: Community

This session explores the concept of community within the university, including how teaching practices may impact community, what communities exist and how they interact, and how community-building practices may impact students. This is the first of three YSJ Pedagogy sessions, led by Dr Murphy McCaleb, and will focus on how this aspect of our LTSE strategy may be manifested or reflected within the School of the Arts, in particular. See the event calendar for more information about the other sessions in this series. Strategic links This session links with: LTSE strategy 2026 1.1 LTSE strategy 2026 2.1 Booking This session will take place in room CD/103. To book a place on this event, click here....
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The Conversation Media Training

The Conversation Media Training

Session facilitated by Holly Squire, Commissioning Editor at The Conversation The Conversation is a news analysis and opinion platform of articles written by academics and funded by more than 70 UK and European universities. Working with an editor, researchers write short pieces that deliver academic expertise directly to the public. York St John University has partnered with The Conversation since 2018, with our academics amassing a readership of well over a million people via the platform. If you’ve not written for The Conversation before or would just like a refresher session, please come along to one of the online workshops that are being run exclusively for members of the academic community at York St John. You’ll gain valuable insights into writing for a general audience and find out what The Conversation can offer for your research and academic profile. The workshops are run on Zoom by an editor from The Conversation, and you only need to attend one. Booking is essential and places are limited. The dates are...
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