UKAT Annual Conference 2022 (online)

UKAT Annual Conference 2022 (online)

Based on our collective recent experiences, the 2022 UKAT Annual Conference will explore how we might reimagine advising/tutoring so that it is more relevant to students, more effective at helping all students and institutions to achieve their intended outcomes, and more efficient in its operation. The conference will focus on five key themes: Digital technology - how can our experiences of the widescale adoption of digital technology and the pivot to online learning inform the future role of technology in advising and tutoring? Identity – how can advising and tutoring support student and cohort identity development? Community – how can advising and tutoring support learning communities, and build the sense of belonging that is important to student success? Equality, Diversity and Inclusion – what role does advising and tutoring have in enhancing equality and inclusion in higher education, and in enhancing success for all students? Student-Centred Transformation – higher education is transformative, but how can advising and tutoring empower students...
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