Talk About Teaching 2023: Exploring Mental Health & Wellbeing in HE

Talk About Teaching 2023: Exploring Mental Health & Wellbeing in HE

Talk About Teaching 2023 (#TAT23) is our annual learning, teaching and student experience conference taking place in-person, on campus, on Thursday 2nd February 2023. With TAT 2021 having been delivered online, the 2023 event promises to bring our community together in person this time, to celebrate another academic year. Our theme for 2023 is Exploring Mental Health & Wellbeing HE.  Contributions are welcomed on any aspect of the theme as it pertains to learning, teaching and the student experience within HE. Please visit the conference website for more information. This event provides an opportunity for delegates to listen to and discuss a wide range of pedagogic practice from across disciplines. Formats include staff and student-led: Presentations Panels Workshops Posters 'Talk About' sessions Lightning Talks There will also be opportunities for networking over tea and coffee and during lunchtimes. Important dates Date Activity/Milestone 3 October Call for proposals opens 6 November Deadline for proposals 7-14 November Review of proposals 28 November Presenter confirmations 26 January Presenters submit content 2 February Event takes place in person & online   Registration and Call for Proposals Bookings are...
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