Reviewing your PFS Application: A peer learning workshop Nov 23

Reviewing your PFS Application: A peer learning workshop Nov 23

This workshop is for those preparing to submit their HEA Applications through the Experiential or Developmental Pathways in September 2023. In this workshop, we will guide you through how we review PSF (Professional Standards Framework) based applications for HEA Fellowship (D1-3, Associate Fellow/Fellow/Senior Fellow). You will: learn how we make judgements based on the descriptors and using the dimensions to signpost examples of practice review two samples as a cohort drawing together your judgements as social moderation and calibration and peer review a sample of a colleague's application.   To get the most out of this workshop you must have at least one section (A1-5) or case study drafted and ready to be reviewed. We recommend attending the Reflective Writing workshop or Writing Retreat to develop your writing before attending this workshop. To sign up, use the CPD sign-up sheet here....
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