Q&A with Chairs of School Ethics Committee

Q&A with Chairs of School Ethics Committee

Facilitators: Dr Scott Cole, Helen Trouille, Sophie Carter and Olalekan Adekola Session Format: In this session, Chairs of the School Ethics Committees of York St John will host a session on Ethics. Within this session, participants are advised to share any project plans and obtain peer and expert feedback on their proposals. There will also be an opportunity to ask general research ethics questions. Learning Outcomes: Although this is not a formal taught session, participants will learn; how to identify and mitigate risks, how to identify ethical issues and how to discuss ethics in a group of people with varied backgrounds and expertise.   Session facilitated by some of the School Ethics Chairs This session will be delivered live via Teams and may be recorded Booking Book your place via Eventbrite now https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/193665517777  ...
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Ethnographic Fieldwork

Ethnographic Fieldwork

Session facilitator: Professor Lee Higgins In this session, we will discuss an ethnographic approach to research with particular attention to participant observation. We will locate the strategy as a form of qualitative research developing from anthropology. Examples will be predominantly taken from an ethnomusicological perspective and provide an opportunity to critically consider the approach. Learning Outcomes: Contextual understanding of ethnography Examples of implementation Book now This session will be recorded...
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Research Integrity and Ethics

Research Integrity and Ethics

Session facilitator: Dr Olalekan Adekola and Dr Scott Cole Online MS Teams: Click here to join the meeting This session will discuss the importance and principles of ethical research. During the session, we will introduce participants to YSJ research ethics-related information and useful resources. We will go through the research ethics application form. At the end of the session, participants will learn the principles of ethical research, know where to find information and resources and how to complete the YSJ ethics application form. Book now...
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Informed Consent, Permissions and Briefings to Research Participants

Informed Consent, Permissions and Briefings to Research Participants

Facilitator: Dr Sarah Mallinson-Howard RDF Indicator: C1  Programme: PGR Research Skills Programme 2021-22   Theme: Research Ethics and Integrity     Delivery: Campus room TW104   Session Overview:   Protecting participants in research is extremely important and one means to achieve this is through obtaining informed consent from participants. This workshop will explore: 1) what participants’ rights are when it comes to informed consent and participating in research 2) what gaining informed consent involves for the researcher and where permissions and briefings fit in 3) what happens if it is not possible to obtain informed consent. Learning Outcomes:  Describe the necessary components of informed consent. Use appropriate methods to obtain informed consent from research participants. Recognise when participants are able to give informed consent or not.  You can book your place on Eventbrite here: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/informed-consent-permissions-and-briefings-to-research-participants-tickets-190911871547...
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Introduction to Grant Funders and Funding

Introduction to Grant Funders and Funding

Facilitators: Jack Hagyard, Michael Grugan and Lisa Ballantine from the Research Office RDF Indicator: C3 Programme: CPD Programme 2021-22 Theme: Early Career Researchers (staff in the first five years since PhD)   Session Overview: This session will give you an introduction to grant funding and ways to search for funding opportunities.  You can book your place on Eventbrite here: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/introduction-to-grant-funders-and-funding-tickets-190913305837...
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The challenges and strategies in participation research

The challenges and strategies in participation research

Facilitator: Associate Professor Nick Rowe, Director on Converge RDF Indicator: A1, C1 Programme: PGR Research Skills Programme 2021-22  Theme: Research Ethics and Integrity  Delivery: Online via Teams Session Overview:  In this session we will consider the challenges of, and strategies for, involving people in research who may not have had previous experience. We will look at the arguments for participatory research and its common pitfalls. Nick will share the experience of the Converge Evaluation and Research Team, a group of people with lived experience of mental ill health who undertake external research on issues related to mental health. Learning Outcomes:  Understanding of participatory research and how to address challenges. Gain an insight into conducting participatory research and strategies to employ.    You can book your place on Eventbrite here: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/the-challenges-and-strategies-in-participation-research-tickets-190917658857 MS Teams link: Join Teams Meeting...
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