Introduction to research security: identifying and managing risks in international research

Introduction to research security: identifying and managing risks in international research

International research has brought significant benefits to the UK and our international partners, enabling our universities to have a global impact. However, risks associated with international research are becoming increasingly complex. As an active researcher, you have an important role to play in making sure that the research and activities you’re involved in are safe. You should be thinking about what research you’re doing, who you’re doing it with and where you’re doing it. This event, provided by the Research Collaboration Advice Team (RCAT) will cover the basics required to engage in international research safely, covering:  Fundamentals of Trusted Research  An overview of the risks involved in collaborating internationally  How to evaluate risks in your own research, including worked examples  Where to go for further advice and guidance It will take place on Teams on Wednesday 18 October from 9-10am. On booking a place you will then receive a teams meeting link.  Follow this link to Forms to book your place: Book my place...
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