The Only Way is Ethics Conference: Reflecting on and learning from research after ethical approval

The Only Way is Ethics Conference: Reflecting on and learning from research after ethical approval

The Only Way is Ethics: Reflecting on and learning from research after ethical approval This flagship ethics event is for the researcher community at York St John University!  It is being run in association with the Participatory Enquiry, Action Research and Democratic Methodologies Research Group and the Institute for Social Justice. The conference will take place on campus on Friday 22nd March from 10am - 3pm in the Creative Centre Auditorium, CC001 and Temple Foyer.  Ethics – after the form Often there is emphasis on “getting ethical approval” yet we rarely hear about what ethical issues were raised in research after approval. Ethical learning opportunities are often lost. This conference will provide opportunities for researchers to reflect on ethical conundrums that were present in research projects, that maybe were not anticipated when the original approval was applied for. The day will provide an opportunity to think and learn about ethics more broadly, by considering a range of case studies. Our keynote speaker Nicole Brown, from UCL...
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