Discussing Decolonisation: A mini-series at YSJU for 2023-24

Discussing Decolonisation: A mini-series at YSJU for 2023-24

‘Discussing Decolonisation’ is a six-part mini-series taking place in person and online across the academic year 2023-24, hosted by the Teaching and Learning Enhancement Team at York St John University (YSJU). The series aims to showcase and critically engage with the vital work that staff and students across the sector are undertaking to develop anti-racist and decolonial praxis in Higher Education (HE). Participants will be encouraged to reflect on their own positionality, practices and roles in relation to anti-racist and decolonial work, with individual/personal, institutional and broader structural lenses being considered.  Series organisers Dr Laura Key and Lucy Potter hope that these events will facilitate collective knowledge building and critical exploration of a range of differing perspectives, as well as functioning as a call to action to all those engaged in HE at YSJU and beyond. The events include talks, workshops and discussions with some of the leading voices in anti-racist and decolonial scholarship and action today, and are designed to be participatory...
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