Where Ideas Grow

A blog for students of creative writing at York St John University

Nature’s way

People are like flowers.
We grow and flourish,
when in an environment that meets our needs.
Fed, watered and loved,
there’s no stopping us.
In the end,
we are alive and living,
Although most days it feels like were dying.
Just remember,
brighter days are coming.
Out there lies your destiny,
the reason you’re here today.
To shine bright and outgrow the craziness the world holds.
You my friend,
are exactly what this world needs.
Stay strong and keep fighting,
cause one day,
you’ll change the world and make it a better place.
Until then, smile gracefully and pray for better days.
After all, it is the season,
for nature to come alive and blossom again.
Sharing its true wisdom and beauty.

Alisha Clayton

Alisha Clayton is from the Selby area. Inspiration for this poem came from the idea of human beings, being like nature and change with the environment and world they are surrounded by. Reminding others how important well-being is and self-care is in an ever-changing place, but most importantly to keep going no matter the heartache.

Photo by Alisha Clayton.

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