Photography Task

The Photography Task was to use photography techniques with a theme. I chose the theme Time as shown by my use of ruins and the cathedral as well as models of Futuristic mechs called Gundams; I did this to show the past and the future as it correlated with the time theme. The Gundam models allowed for some good forced perspective shots as well as eliminating the need for a human subject since I did this task on my own. The frame within a frame and silhouette shot was done by using two rocks at the museum gardens and placing the subject between them, I then placed my jacket over the rocks and placed my camera inside, this created a cave-like look; when it came to editing it I made the background look almost dusty like it’s on another planet like Mars, making the shot seem futuristic while also seeming gritty. The shot I had most difficulty on was the long exposure as it would bleach the image, making it look almost white, this I had to fix in photoshop by changing the brightness and saturation. The reflection shot I got a bit creative with, I used a old Tracy island set I had and added sand to one of the modules, I then filled it with water after I had made sure it wasn’t going to leak; then I set up the shot in a few ways before settling on the Gundam looking broken and defeated while staring into the pond in front of it. The depth of field shot is one I’m most proud of, I used photoshop to make the day shot that I took, appear to be at night, the background behind the machine is out of focus while the machine is entirely focused upon, making him pop out in the night with it’s purple and cream colouring. The photography task was probably my favourite one to do as it made me think about shot placement and gave me a better understanding of how to compose a shot and how to use photoshop to help enhance my images. There weren’t many issues I had while doing this task other than the long exposure/painting with light shot, but that was easily rectified in the edit

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