Short Film

The seventy-two hours challenge had us create a five-minute-long short film with a compulsory scene in seventy-two hours and within a group of nine people. I took the role of producer and director, I took charge of the project by sorting out the risk assessments and booking forms as well as overseeing the writing process during pre-production. During which we got two actors booked in to play the detective and villain for the film, both of which were on time and played their parts well, they listened to my directions while also giving their own suggestions on how to play the characters. On the second day of shooting we found out that on one scene the audio was messed up, so we had to ADR those scenes in the recording studio, this was before we went in to film in the studio we booked out for the final scene of the short film. The only other issue we had was much later when the editor lost the SD card that had the compulsory scene on, luckily, we were allowed to reshoot the compulsory scene.

The editor had decided to cut two scenes out of the short film in order for it to fit the required run time.

For the story of the short film, we decided to go for a detective thriller, with a murderer that would poison his victims and ultimately the detective. We went with the poker theme as it worked easily as a title and it allowed for a tense interaction between the detective and the killer.

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