3 artists and their resistance / affirmation art works

what is De’VIA ? 

De’VIA stands for Deaf View/Image Art. this type of artwork expresses deaf  experiences (resistance) and deaf culture (affirmation). it can be made by deaf and hearing people, as long the art work represents deaf culture or deaf experiences.

here is a link to an artwork post about a deaf persons love for ASL, done by a hearing individual.


Resistance ?

Resistance is one of the categories of deaf art under De’VIA. deaf resistance art expresses the suppression and oppression of the Deaf, such as oralism, audism and Cochlear Implants. (Darling, 2019)


Affirmation ? 

Affirmation is the second category of deaf art under De’VIA. deaf affirmation art supports ideas like Deaf empowerment, acculturation and acceptance. (Darling, 2019) 

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