Magazine project: Blog task 2

Yorkie Reader Profile


Population –  The population in York, according to the 2011 consensus, is 198,051 people. 

Ethnicity: York Local Authority compared
2011 UK census York[1] Yorkshire and
the Humber
Total population 198,051 5,283,733 53,012,456
White 94.3% 88.8% 85.4%
Mixed 1.2% 1.6% 2.3%
Asian 3.4% 7.3% 7.8%
Black 0.6% 1.5% 3.5%
Other 0.5% 0.8% 1%

 Source – https/ 

Age: The average age of people living in York is 39.6, highest percentage of people in York between the ages of 30 and 44, based on the 2011 census. 

Gender: 51% women, 49% men

Socio-economic profile: 

Average monthly wage: £501

Students/ working/retired: Based on the 2011 census, figures from the 

Religion: 74.4% christian, 15.8% no religion

Our Demographic:

I believe the demographic we should aim our magazine at is people between the ages of 25 and 35, who are working in professional careers and have achieved at least degree level (or an equivalent) in education. The socio-economic profile of our readers will be ABC1 and they should primarily be working, although some students may also read the magazine. The magazine should not be gender specific as the population of York is almost equally split. Our readers will enjoy luxurious items and strive to be classy, elegant and well put together, however they will still enjoy the occasional bargain, this is a reflection of the shopping landscape of York and the prices of items in the area, as well as the range of high quality dining options and independent restaurants and boutiques. Three words to describe the Yorkie reader would be aspiring, polished and cultured.

Possible Sections and Themes for magazine

  1. Lifestyle – Human interest stories from around York about people’s lives, any interesting events or fundraising happening within the city, new council schemes etc.
  2. Fashion – Street style in York, would be interesting to look at outfits worn by residents of York. It would also be interesting to look at fashion through time in York and how it’s location has affected this.
  3. History – York is a very old city and has lots of exciting stories to tell, I think it would be interesting to dig deeper into some of the tales of York and previous families of York to discover how the city has developed and changed over the years. 
  4. Food & drink – Stories featuring some of the best places to eat and drink in York including reviews and insights into the varying different cuisines that York has to offer, could include vegetarian/ vegan restaurants. gluten/ dairy free, homegrown local produce etc. 
  5. Environment – York is surrounded by beautiful landscapes from the river to the countryside that surrounds not only York but Yorkshire, I think having a section dedicated to stories about this environment would be both eye-opening and interesting to our target demographic; whether it’s about how this landscape is changing, what’s being done to preserve the beauty that is rural Yorkshire or the challenges people face whilst living in rural areas. The visual elements for stories like this would also be stunning and look glossy in order to appeal to the demographic I have identified above. It also be nice to have a specific photography exhibit in this section.
  6. What’s on – A description of the things are available to do in York around the time of our magazine being published, this could include reviews of shows or events as well as a run down of the things taking place throughout the rest of December.

Role Interests

I think the role that interests me most on the editorial side is an editorial assistant, I am really interested in improving and developing my interviewing skills. I know I have good management skills and have previously enjoyed roles such as producer and editor for broadcast, however my knowledge of print is much less and I would therefore prefer to have a role which allows me to improve my writing and interviewing skills rather than a role that involves me taking a lot of responsibility and managing of others. However, this being said, I believe I would enjoy working as a sub-editor or chief sub-editor on the production side as I pay a lot of attention to detail and am good at picking up spelling and grammatical  errors. 

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