Magazine project: Blog task 4

Reflecting and evaluating so far.

During this weeks session we started discussing our feature story ideas with Robyn. Up to this point, we were having lectures demonstrating how to write feature stories and develop them into good, well told and interesting stories. 

When looking for story ideas, I initially looked through what was happening around York during December/ January as well as any other events nationally/ worldwide during December. I found many different pegs whilst doing this and was able to determine a handful of strong story ideas which I could progress for the magazine. 

These included an article about the new Kaiser Chiefs display in York Art Gallery which opens during December, Decembeard – a campaign which encourages people to grow beards in order to help raise money and awareness to beat bowel cancer and a story about how fur is used in the fashion industry (inspired by Faux Fur Friday.) 

I presented these ideas to Robyn and followed up on all of them in hope of finding contributors. For the fur fashion story I emailed activist groups such as PETA and respect for Animals, as well as supporters of the fur industry. I also emailed the bowel cancer awareness organisation and was able to make contact with them to arrange for a contributor to the story. I have worked previously with the press officer for York Art Gallery and she sent me the press package for the Kaiser Chief installation however it is unlikely I would be able to interview one of the Kaiser Chief, which is what would really bring the story to live, and therefore I think this may just make a good segment for a what’s on in York article, rather than a full feature story. 

Looking forward:

To progress each of the stories it is vital I get responses and good interviews from the potential contributors I have contacted. Until I have received and organised these, I will begin researching for the stories and deciding on how I may structure them. I have also been playing around with layouts to determine what my story may look like on paper. This will also help me to meet deadlines better, as soon as my article is completed I can just flow the text into the layout.

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