Magazine project: Blog task 6

“Imagine you’ve got a marketing budget of £100.Think of some marketing ideas for The Yorkie and explain why they might work. Think about our demographics – age,location, gender, etc. “

 Social Media: 

The easiest and cheapest way that we could market our magazine would be through social media. Each individual member of our class has multiple social media profiles and simply sharing the release date of our magazine would help spread the word greatly. As well as this, paying for adverts on Facebook and Instagram in the run up to the release could greatly help raise our profile. Facebook has a range of advertising options and so we would definitely be able to find one that suits our needs. These adverts can be targeted to a specific area and location as well as a specific age range which would help to perfectly reach our target demographic.


Publicity stunt/ appearance:

As we are called The Yorkie, I think it would be a good idea to walk around advertising the launch of our magazine with a couple of Yorkie dogs. It would be memorable as people love dogs, especially in our target age range and it would make people likely to remember the name of our magazine. Similarly, hosting an event and having a Yorkie dog there would have a similar effect. 


Hosting an event to launch our magazine could be a very good idea. If we use an area at uni, for example the newsroom or the blackbox, it would ensure the cost stayed low and we could use it as an opportunity to network and find some potential places to distribute our magazine. Inviting the contributors to our articles, as well as industry professionals, local businesses and advertising the event to our target demographic would mean we could successfully market the magazine to our audience. 


Advertisements is something we can quite easily design among ourselves, with our skills, and distribute around campus and areas in York that our demographic would visit. These would include local independent businesses, such as coffee shops, cafes and clothing boutiques, around campus and in student halls.

 After doing some more in-depth research, I think the best idea would be to use online advertising such as Facebook promoted posts and have each member of the group use their own social media to promote the magazine. As well as this, I think we should use printed flyers and posters o promote the magazine. Hosting a launch event is a nice idea however to stay within the budget we would have to strictly decide what we were going to do and not try and do anything fancy with it.

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