Magazine project: Blog task 7

“Write an update about your design progress so far.”


Originally when I started designing my layout, my story was about fur in fashion generally and the morality around that. However, the angle for my story has since changed and therefore I have adjusted my design to fit this. Initially, I had contrasting images of animals and then images of products they have been used to create. I am still using these however, I am also adding in pictures of the planet.  

Original designs:

New designs:


What aesthetic are you using?

The aesthetic I am aiming for with my layout designs is very minimal but impacting. For example, I am using pictures contrasting animals with the products they are turned into and images showing Earth’s beauty and juxtaposing that with images depicting the mess that humans have caused on the planet so far. Not only do these images compliment my story, it draws in attention immediately because of the drama of the images. I’m also ensuring there is a lot of space on my pages as I do not want it to look cramped and more like a glossy mag, when looking at other magazines for design inspirations, I have found ones with a similar demographic to ours tend to be very classy with minimalist pages and a multiple pages that are just images. 

What’s important when it comes to design?

The main thing I think is important in design is continuity, we need a strong solid design throughout the whole magazine that is replicated or acknowledged on each page. I have also learnt, from working with a designer, that pages shouldn’t have too many words on them, it is much better to have a lot of pages with barely any words on than a few pages that are crammed full.

Are there any rules?

So far, we have not decided on any specific rules for the style of magazine other than the font, it’s size and the leading; Calibri, size 9pt. leading 13. Other than this style options are up to the individual. 

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