The trail of Guido Fawkes – a guide to the powder-plot mans life in York

On this day in 1605, authorities searched Westminster after an anonymous and discovered one Guido Fawkes hiding a stockpile of gun powder; with the intention of blowing up the King. Almost everyone knows how the story goes after that, but not many know the story before.

1 – Stonegate

Fawkes, was born in York in April 1570 to Edward and Edith Fawkes and live in the city until his widowed mother remarried. Although it is known for certain Fawkes was born in York, whereabouts within the city is not for certain. There are report which suggest he was born on Stonegate, whilst the Guy Fawkes Inn, on High Petersgate claim the location of their restaurant is where the plotter was born.

2 – St Michael-Le-Belfrey church

Just 3 days after Fawkes’ estimate birth he was baptised at St Michael-le-Belfrey church, next to the Minster

3 – Union Terrace car park

Whilst living in York, before his mother’s remarriage, Guy Fawkes attended St Peter’s School. During the time Fawkes was a pupil, the school was located on the corner of Gillygate and Lord Mayor’s Walk, where the Union terrace car park is located today.

It is thought that Fawkes may have converted to Catholicism whilst studying there, potentially encouraging his later quests in life.

The school had numerous links to recusant Catholics (Catholics that committed statutory crimes by refusing to attend Church of England services) and had other students that were also connected to the gun powder plot, brothers John and Christopher Wright.


4 – York Minster

As well as these locations, the famous Minster also has its own connection to the famous traitor. The bodies of Fawkes’ father and paternal grandparents are buried in the area around the minster.

5 – High Petergate and the Guy Fawkes Inn

After the death of Fawkes’ father, Edward, his mother inherited the land. It is thought Edith Fawkes remarried somewhere around 1581-1582 and it was at this point Guy Fawkes moved away from the City of York. It is believed this is when he started moving further into Catholic circles which culminated with the gun powder plot.

Surprisingly and despite many reports, Guy Fawkes did not die as a result of being hung, drawn and quartered. After being tortured, it is believed he was so weak that he fell from the gallows and broke his neck. Despite this, his body was still quartered and sent to the “four corners of the kingdom” as a deterrent to any other would be plotters against the monarch.

Although the plot occurred over 400 years ago, Guy Fawkes’ life is still a major tourist attraction for the City of York and a national holiday celebrated across the country.

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