What Does Student Life Mean To You?

Rationale under cut

At this point in the year everything was new and scary and I’d never done anything within media production as I came from a film studies background. This was the first task that we were given and it was the hardest piece to create thus far. I was riddled with anxiety over trying to get it perfect first try and making something that would impress people because that is what I thought happened when you got to university; that you were instantly perfect and everything on your course was right for you.

This task proved me very wrong.

Getting the recordings for the audio vox pop was challenging enough before having to edit the recordings together, everything being a foreign concept to me. I had the plan of asking the vague question of ‘what does the term ‘student life’ mean to you?’ as I thought I was being different but in reality, the question doesn’t matter if you cannot get anyone to answer it. Students are busy and rarely have time to stop and be interviewed by a group of first years especially when it’s nine in the morning in the first semester when people are still trying to be on time to lectures.

Thankfully I managed to get a few good responses and was able to string them together to form a complete interview to match the brief. If I were to attempt this task again, I would go out at a different time (possibly lunchtime) as there would be more people available to be interviewed.

I wanted to create an upbeat vox pop where people would find it easy to listen to, we were told that royalty free music was the best option for many reasons therefore I used a website and found a simple happy song. Editing it all together was a new challenge for me as I’d never touched any kind of editing software until now, then I had to learn about levels and using Audacity which was all very confusing and overwhelming at the time but looking back now it’s on its way to becoming second nature. I decided to use this in my production portfolio as I am proud of this because it’s my first piece of work and I think it will be a good marker for comparison when I finish my final year. I’ll be able to look back and see how much I have (hopefully) improved.

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