Charlie’s Halloween Round-Up

There is no better way to get into the Halloween spirit than by watching some good old horror movies. After all, it is a pretty popular genre so there’s lots to choose from. If you are struggling on what movies to watch in time for Halloween this list should help. Don’t forget to let me know if you think something else should have take top-billing.

  1. The Shining (Stanley Kubrick, 1980)

Everyone’s knows the classic quote “Here’s johnny!”, and rightfully so! Kubrick’s The Shining is a perfect blend of beautiful cinematography and nail-biting suspense. It follows a writer’s journey into insanity as he is isolated in a hotel for a harsh winter with only the company of his family… doesn’t sound too out of the ordinary right? Well there’s a lot more to it than that. Supernatural powers, visions, creepy twins; this is a must see for horror fans as it’ll shake you to your core and make you think twice about staying in doors at that creepy hotel this winter.

  1. Alien (Ridley Scott, 1979)

Even if you’re not a sci-if fan, Alien is a must-see. Whether you’re a fan of horror movies or just looking for a scare, Alien’s got you covered. It follows a group of astronauts, drifting through deep space on their way back from a mining expedition on a far-off planet. After picking up a distress signal from a passing planet, they investigate it and soon realise that they’re not alone. Director Ridley Scott went for a less futuristic aesthetic for this SF classic. So really, it doesn’t even feel like a science fiction and instead just like a regular ‘fight for your life while being hunted by a giant leathery alien’ sort of thing.

  1. Halloween (John Carpenter, 1978)

You can’t celebrate Halloween without having seen Halloween? It’s THE classic Halloween movie, it’s even what birthed the slasher genre altogether. Filmed on an incredibly low budget, Halloween ticks all the boxes when it comes to what you want out of a horror movie. It might look a bit outdated now but if you can get past its age, it really is one of the most enjoyable horror movies out there.

  1. The thing (John Carpenter, 1982)

This is John Carpenter’s second feature on this list so he must be doing something right. The Thing is like an amalgamation of Alien and The Shining. A group of people are isolated in a communication centre in Antarctica and after encountering a dog from the outside, they realise that their group of trusted friends is slowly being replaced by an alien who takes the form of them. The only problem is, there is no way to tell who is legitimate or not. This movie is practically a 109-minute-long paranoia trip.

  1. The Evil Dead (Sam Raimi, 1981) & Evil Dead II (Sam Raimi, 1987)

This one is a double bill because I couldn’t choose just one of these great films. When it comes to the classic trope of fighting the undead in the most unconventional way possible, both movies fulfil that and then go the extra mile. Blood, guts, gore and a chainsaw-arm aside, both of these movies are genuinely brilliant.

In no particular order,  these are some absolute horror classics that you may not have seen (but you should have), or haven’t gotten around to seeing just yet (get to it!).

Is there a key classic missing from my list? Let me know. Comment here or check in with us on Twitter @YSJFilmMedia

Charlie Brenton

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