Whit Charaic 2.0

INT: All the characters are gathered in a courtroom. The defendant, Whit Charaic, is sat beside his attorney whom is whispering close to his ear. The judge
’s chair is empty.


Barista: All rise for the Honourable Judge Audire.


The judge enters the room.

Everyone in the room stands up smartly. Someone at the back of the room coughs.


Judge: This court is gathered here to hear the case of Charaic versus the people. This court is now in session. Please sit. The DA may call forth its first witness.


The DA turns to look over his shoulder.


DA: We call forth our first witness, Mister Jake Knight.


Jake Knight walks forward and takes his place in the witness stand. He looks solemn.


Judge: Mister Knight, do you swear upon the Holy Bible to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth?

Jake: I will.

Judge: Mister Knight, you may sit.


Jake sits. He rubs his thighs.


DA: Mr Knight, on the thirteenth of October, 2014, at eighteen-hundred hours, where were you?

Jake: I had gone to the clinic –

DA: What clinic would that be, Mister Knight?

Jake: The Sexual Health and Abortion Clinic. I went there to pick up my wife. She works – worked, there. As a nurse.


The DA takes a step closer to the witness stand. He nods his head apologetically.


DA: Can you describe what happened?


Jake takes a sip of water.


Jake: I walked in – through the front doors into the, the reception. I saw my wife . . . she was helping a woman – a patient, out of a cubicle. She looked up at me – and she smiled . . . I was talking with the receptionist . . .


Jake sniffs, exhales quickly.


Suddenly, there was an explosion – across from me. It was the bomb. I’d fallen on the floor and when I looked up there was . . . there was glass everywhere. The front doors were just – gone. The people sitting near the entrance . . . they were lying there, dead, blood everywhere.


DA: And then what?


Jake takes a second sip of water. The DA folds his hands together over his stomach.


Jake: I was looking for my wife – she’d been walking towards the door. I felt sick. I looked up and that’s when I saw him. He was just – just cheering! He was happy! He was happy that he was stood over my wife – my poor, poor wife! I was so mad! I got up – I wanted to help my wife. I was praying she was OK – when he saw me . . . he ran.

I don’t understand . . . he just watched a bomb blow up all those people, but he ran when he saw me.


The DA stands to the side, giving Jake a clear view of everyone in the courtroom.


DA: Is this man in the court today, Mister Knight?


Jake nods and points a steady finger at Whit Charaic sat beside his attorney.


Jake: Him.


Jake stares at Whit.


(whispers) Why? (Shouts) WHY DID YOU DO IT?


Judge: Mister Knight —

Jake jumps up from his seat.



Jake:                          She was helping people!


The judge leans towards Jake.

Whit also jumps up, angry.


Whit: She was helping MURDERERS



Jake’s voice cracks and his shoulders slump.


What am I supposed to tell her niece? She’s five. She loved Rachel. She was supposed to go the beach today. She keeps asking me for her – you’ve not just killed Rachel, you’ve robbed the rest of us. And I’ll never forgive you.


Whit looks ashamed and is speechless. His mouth hangs open quiet. His eyes are downcast.

Everyone is quiet for a moment.


Judge: Mister Knight, may I remind you you are in a court of law – next time, refrain yourself.


Judge casts a glance around everyone.


Judge: This court is adjourned until noon.




Photo Credit: JGI / Blend / Learning Pictures / Universal Images Group
Rights Managed / For Education Use Only

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