The Elusive Kick Start Moment

It is always an interesting question; what made you want to be a writer? What inspired you to go and do creative writing at university? Interesting questions and ones that I feel I may not be able to answer in a way that will satisfy the wording of the Kick Start moment. I’m not entirely sure that there ever was a direct moment that started my desire to a writer. Not one that stands out anyway. It has always been something that I have dabbled in, writing short stories at primary school, reading the majority of my primaries admittedly tiny library with enthusiasm. I think if I had to talk about inspiration however well then there I can give a more satisfactory answer. What inspired me? Reading and imagination. Tolkien in particular took hold of my imagination, I still hear from my dad about the great labour it was for him to read me the marshes sequence in The Lord of The Rings, in fact it is something I highly doubt he will ever stop bringing up. That Love of what Tolkien created has stayed with me to today although my understanding and appreciation of it only continues to grow. What I think was most inspiring was the universe in which it was set. One man managed to create so much given so little time, a world with its own languages and myths, ages and lore, people and monsters and lovable distinctly human characters. This world is one that I have spent many hours lost in reading and re-reading fuelling my own desires to attempt to create something similar. It is from Tolkien too that my love of poetry springs, I never cease to read those poems of tales long past contained within the trilogy and other works. So I guess from here you can say I took most of my inspiration, a desire to create something as tangible as that.

But when thinking of the things that inspire me or helped me along on this journey there are friends that I have forgotten or will not mention. That read my poems and my stories and encouraged me to keep going and of all of these I guess one friend stood out. Encouraging me to write my first complete story and several poems. It is to them I owe most certainly a large part of the resurgence into creative writing fields that I made. It is at their request I created a Wattpad account one that I still post on now even a few years later. So if asked to talk about who inspired me they certainly spring to mind. I will not name names but if they read this they will know who they are. The other was my English teacher and ever supportive woman by the name of Mrs Mcneilly who supported me both academically when struggling with coursework and essays and also when I desired opinions on my creative work. Her passion for the subject she taught and her seemingly endless determination to ensure I reached my potential really landed me where I am today studying creative writing. The final mention will go to my sister, father and mother who have taken an interest in their different ways. My dad supported me with words of encouragement as he has done in all respects. My sister has read my stories for me and my mum has glanced through and suggested improvements I am ashamed to say I may have been too proud to accept at the time.

Another thing worth mentioning is the online writers group I have been a part of now which has helped me to share and gain opinions of my work. Given me invaluable friends whose opinions and support has meant more to me at times than anyone physically there. So to the Loyal Order of Wordsmiths, you have my thanks for accepting me into your ranks, your encouragement and advice have been indispensable.

I wish to finish this post with a thank you to any and all who have encouraged or supported me.

One thought on “The Elusive Kick Start Moment

  1. This is a really great post, Hugh. It is great to see you reflect upon the influences and people which have shaped your writing process. It is refreshing to hear you thank everyone who has helped you develop as a writer. I was lucky enough to have two very inspirational English teachers and a wealth of University staff that helped develop me as a writer too. Thanks for posting this and reminding me of those people who I owe similar thanks to.

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