Encouraging Vocabulary

In almost all aspects of teaching there is an important emphasis placed on the use of vocabulary. Within mathematics itself the use of the matematical vocabulary is highighted throughout the frameworks (Mooney et al, 2007).

Key vocabulary on the session plan
Key Vocabulary in Session Plan

The daily session plan and weekly planning grid in mathematics, both have sections where the vocabulary to be used with the lesson needs to be identified. This should then provide the children with the opportunity to use this vocabulary within the lessons, using it to ask questions, interact with the teacher and their peers and to provide explanations to their answers (DfEE, 1999). But how often have either numerous words or a few key words been written down and then forgotten about throughout the lessons?

Here are some ways to help support the use of the vocabulary you would be using in your sessions

Read more about Encouraging Vocabulary

Is maths always right or wrong?

First I have to say that anything which is written in the post reflects my own personal views and not those of the university or department. That said…as part of the first session in every mathematics module, I concentrate on two things, the importance of discussion in mathematics and people’s personal feelings towards maths. The latter always includes people contributing to the session and talking about the impact of their class teacher and the enjoyment of the lessons and the learning of rules and processes, but also the idea that mathematics is ‘easier’ because it always has right or wrong answers. My question is always..is this true?

Read more about Is maths always right or wrong?

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