
Blog, Illustration, York St John University

Hannah Nowell – Terra Two


Quinnity Bex – Terra Two explorer, sent with a team of scientists, creators and more to document Terra Two and it’s creatures, while making the planet as habitable as possible in the process. Bex has to document the creatures, extinguish any threats all while looking as fashionable as possible while doing it, using the scrap materials and anything the team can find in the isolated wasteland. This is the journal that Bex has used to document all the findings and discoveries while living on Terra two. 

                                                          Map of Terra Two

               Terra Two Landscape concept art

Animals and creatures on Terra Two





                                                   Bex’s new friend



Some things from this project that I think did well and went well include some of my illustrations, while a couple didn’t go to plan/according to what I planned, wanted or had in my mind, a couple went really well in my opinion such as the water creature and the snails as I think that they ended up looking really cute and creative as well as the fact that they reflect my ideas quite well. I also think that while I may not have gone through with a lot of my plan, my planning and my initial ideas were creative and I managed to have a good idea it was just a matter of time constraints and getting things done on time is where I had difficultly. Even though my time management skills improved slightly, especially compared to the projects from the previous semester, I could have done with spending more time researching scientific facts to incorporate into my plan and my ideas as well as spending more time on a couple more illustrations and the diary entries as they didn’t go according to plan or end up looking as I wanted. I also would have preferred to have more of the journal finished and to tell a story with which on one hand may have been too ambitious for me to achieve for the project looking back onto my ideas at this point in the project.

I would probably change my main idea slightly or probably just concise my idea down to on one or two focused ideas such as having the character just document creatures and animals and I could tell a better narrative that way for this project. While I really liked coming up with the ideas I didn’t particularly like the scientific research or finding facts to help support my idea which is definitely one area where this project falls weaker. However, even with my difficulties with this project, I really enjoyed this project and would have loved to have been able to spend more time on it as I really wish I could have illustrated more of my ideas. If I were to continue this project or even if I decided to further my ideas and this project in my own time after the semester is over, I think that I would proceed to develop creatures and animals as well as putting the journal together more and making It neater while making and structuring the narrative and story better.

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