
Blog, Illustration, York St John University

Amy Smith- Terra 2

For my Terra 2 project, I designed a planet, inspired by a particular Doctor Who episode, where two planets combine into one. For my design, Earth combines with Terra 2 to create a molecule shaped planet. Terra 2 is a red planet, habited by these aliens I created; they share a similar colour scheme to the planet, allowing them to camouflage well. The reds and oranges of the alien’s skin are the same colour as Terra 2.



My final piece is the second image. I created an explorer-type character named Luca, who is the one who finds the ‘sample’ of Terra 2 I made using air dry clay. After designing the head of my alien species, I wanted to have a full body figure of them, to show how their body had adapted and changed to live in outer space. For this, I planned out the composition so it was Luca educating the viewers, lesson style, on the different features of the creature. The labels going off the poster of the alien read as ”elf ears to hear monsters’, ‘longer arms for scavenging’, ‘tail for climbing and balance’, bigger torso for extra pair of lungs’, ‘long legs for increased movement’, and ‘claws for attacking prey.’ The extras pair of lungs can be seen in the triangular airways on the alien’s neck, one for air going in, and another for air going out.

The air dry clay model is how I depict the surface of Terra 2 to look. There is a layer of ‘dirt’ underneath the visible ‘crust’. After looking at the different scientific layers of the Earth, I decided to incorporate those into my model. The dirt layer is made out of browns and a hit of grey clay, to create the idea of there being minerals and irons underneath the crust. The crust is consisting of maroon, orange, and a small amount of brown clay, with ‘crates; poked into it, using pencils and other clay tools. I love how uneven the surface became, with all the roughs and bumps.

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