A Very Pleasant Pineapple was a show inspired by the life of Ludwig Lichtenstein, performed and created in the style of Robert Wilson by Alexander Kaniewski. It was an abstract interpretation of Lichtenstein’s life in which Kaniewski split into several sections. I worked as a member of the cast, taking part in workshops, helping Alex create material for the performance. This show was a valuable experience to be a part of. I had the experience of working closely with other members of the course: dancers, musicians, other cast members and a director. Seeing all these roles in action helped me clearly understand what kind of role I had in the making of A Very Pleasant Pineapple.

I performed as an emsemble member within The Dumb Waiter, working collaboratively with different members of the cast to recreate an adaptation of the 1957 play written by Harold Pinter. We explored theory’s surrounding parallel universe and explored different universes within the confounds of the play. The characters ‘Ben’ and ‘Gus’ were played by every member of the ensemble and moments in the play connected our different universes together.


¡No Pasarán! Was an Ensemble piece of theatre, created by 40 students in our first year of university. It was created through interpreting Pablo Picasso’s Guernica, which provided us to create material relating to the Spanish civil war. I researched propaganda influences during the 1930’s war and how that affected the people trying to live their lives during this period. It was a heavy-burden creating a piece of work that represented the lives of many in such a dark period of Spanish history. We performed a large-scale performance with all members of the ensemble using their abilities to create beautiful work.